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Center Publications

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Carmean, C. M., et al. “Dimethyl Sulfoxide Acutely Enhances Regulated Insulin Secretion In The Min6-K8 Mouse Insulinoma Cell Line.”. Histochemistry And Cell Biology.
Tanaka, S., et al. “Vagus Nerve Stimulation Activates Two Distinct Neuroimmune Circuits Converging In The Spleen To Protect Mice From Kidney Injury.”. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America.
Rockwell, D. M., et al. “A Transgenic Alx4-Creer Mouse To Analyze Anterior Limb And Nephric Duct Development.”. Developmental Dynamics : An Official Publication Of The American Association Of Anatomists.
Walejko, J. M., et al. “Branched-Chain Α-Ketoacids Are Preferentially Reaminated And Activate Protein Synthesis In The Heart.”. Nature Communications, p. 1680.
North Carolina
Dadwal, U. C., et al. “Effects Of Diet, Bmp-2 Treatment, And Femoral Skeletal Injury On Endothelial Cells Derived From The Ipsilateral And Contralateral Limbs.”. Journal Of Orthopaedic Research : Official Publication Of The Orthopaedic Research Society.
Park, J., et al. “Progenitor-Like Characteristics In A Subgroup Of Ucp1+ Cells Within White Adipose Tissue.”. Developmental Cell, pp. 985-999.e4.
DeMayo, F., et al. “Diet Quality And Periodontal Disease: Results From The Oral Infections, Glucose Intolerance And Insulin Resistance Study (Origins).”. Journal Of Clinical Periodontology.
Sabatini, P., et al. “Ttargit Aavs Mediate The Sensitive And Flexible Manipulation Of Intersectional Neuronal Populations In Mice.”. Elife.
Weissler, H., et al. “Predicting Major Adverse Limb Events In Individuals With Type 2 Diabetes: Insights From The Exscel Trial.”. Diabetic Medicine : A Journal Of The British Diabetic Association, p. e14552.
North Carolina
Schoelwer, M. J., et al. “Predictors Of Time-In-Range (70-180 Mg/Dl) Achieved Using A Closed-Loop Control System.”. Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics.
Habtemichael, E. N., et al. “Insulin-Stimulated Endoproteolytic Tug Cleavage Links Energy Expenditure With Glucose Uptake.”. Nature Metabolism, pp. 378-393.
He, A., et al. “Peroxisomes As Cellular Adaptors To Metabolic And Environmental Stress.”. Trends In Cell Biology.