NIDDK Diabetes Centers
NIDDK’s Diabetes Centers program supports extramural research institutions that have established an existing base of high-quality, diabetes-related research.
Diabetes Research Centers are part of an integrated program of diabetes and related endocrinology and metabolism research. Diabetes Research Centers (DRCs) promote new discoveries and enhance scientific progress through the support of cutting-edge basic and clinical research related to the etiology and complications of diabetes, with the goal of rapidly translating research findings into novel strategies for the prevention, treatment and cure of diabetes and related conditions.
Centers for Diabetes Translation Research (CDTR) support and enhance type II translation research (e.g., moving from efficacy to testing effectiveness in real world practice and communities and dissemination and implementation science) related to diabetes prevention and treatment. The CDTRs are intended to enhance the efficiency, productivity, and multidisciplinary nature of diabetes translation research through shared access to specialized technical expertise and resources.