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P&F Studies

Year: 2024 - 2011
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Pilot Awardee Center Pilot Study
Streamson Chua MD PhD Albert Einstein College of Medicine FGF signaling and metabolic control
Andrew Coggin PhD Washington University in St Louis Dietary Nitrate-A Novel Treatment for Patients With Diabetes and Heart Failure
Leslie J Crofford MD Vanderbilt University Patients with chronic inflammatory diseases have an increased prevalence of obesity and metabolic syndrome (MetS)
Maria De Luca PhD Orcid University of Alabama at Birmingham A role for Sdc4 in cellular senescence in adipose tissue
Laura den Hartigh PhD Orcid University of Washington 10, 12 CLA promotes insulin resistance by antagonizing PPARγ
Hans Dooms PhD Orcid Boston Area Dysregulated cellular metabolism predisposes to Type 1 Diabetes
Renny Franceschi PhD Orcid University of Michigan Discoidin Receptor 2 and Adiponectin in Energy and Mineral Homeostasis; Relationship to Type 2 Diabetes
Brigid Gregg MD University of Michigan Understanding the Role of Metformin During Lactation in Programming of Offspring Weight and Glucose Homeostasis
Rebecca A Haeusler PhD Orcid Columbia University Differential Effects of Bile Acid Species in Intestine
Lorie Harper MD Orcid University of Alabama at Birmingham The Metabolic Profile of Gestational Diabetes and its Reproducibility
Jennifer Hill PhD Orcid University of Michigan Intergenerational obesity resulting from lactational impairment
Thomas Hnasko PhD Orcid UCSD-UCLA Role of brain triglycerides sensing in rewrd: Why does fat taste so good?
Chad Hunter PhD Orcid University of Alabama at Birmingham Transcriptional Complex Activity During Metabolic Stress
Alexander Johnson PhD University of Michigan Modulation of predictive regulation via chemogenetic and optogenetic control of Melanin Concentrating Hormone