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P&F Studies

Year: 2024 - 2011
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Curtis L Gabriel MD PhD Orcid Vanderbilt University The Intestinal Microbiome and Ectopic Fat in Persons with HIV
David Hill MD PhD Orcid University of Pennsylvania Contribution of novel adipocyte progenitor cell populations to metabolic disease
Heba Ismail PhD Indiana University The gut microbiome in children with type 1 diabetes with obesity and novel mechanism of action of metformin
Danielle Janosevic DO Orcid Indiana University Kidney sphingolipid composition in diabetic mice predispose to sepsis-associated acute kidney injury
Hyeong-Geug Kim PhD Indiana University Protective effects of hepatocyte ATG14 against inflammasome driven pyroposis
Seiya Kitamura PhD Orcid Albert Einstein College of Medicine Small molecule degraders of soluble epoxide hydrolase as novel therapeutics for diabetes
Yukiko Kitase DDS PhD Indiana University The impact of high-fat diet on osteocyte energy metabolism and function
Vira Kravets PhD Orcid UCSD-UCLA Role of the functional b-cell heterogeneity in pancreatic islets in T2DVira Kravets, Ph.D
Yao-Ying Ma MD PhD Indiana University Exploitation of neural strategies to regulate motivation for diabetes self-management
Lyndsay Nelson PhD Orcid Vanderbilt University Bridging the digital health divide for patients with diabetes
Robert Newman PhD North Carolina Novel Biomarker Signatures of Kidney Injury in DKD
Holly O'Donnell PhD Orcid University of Colorado Denver Understanding the Child Experience in the Autoimmunity Screening for Kids (ASK) Study
David Samuels PhD Orcid Vanderbilt University Elucidating mechanisms of mitochondrial genetics on diabetes risk in persons of African ancestry with HIV
Farnaz Shamsi PhD Orcid Albert Einstein College of Medicine Targeting Adipose Tissue Neurovasculature to Improve Metabolism