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Center Publications

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Merino, J., et al. “Interaction Between Type 2 Diabetes Prevention Strategies And Genetic Determinants Of Coronary Artery Disease On Cardiometabolic Risk Factors.”. Diabetes, pp. 112-120.
Gendron, C. M., et al. “Neuronal Mechanisms That Drive Organismal Aging Through The Lens Of Perception.”. Annual Review Of Physiology, pp. 227-249.
Iqbal, N., et al. “Neuronal Cell Cycle Events Link Caloric Intake To Obesity.”. Trends In Endocrinology And Metabolism: Tem, pp. 46-52.
Sutton, N. R., et al. “Cd73 Promotes Age-Dependent Accretion Of Atherosclerosis.”. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, And Vascular Biology, pp. 61-71.
Puttabyatappa, M., et al. “Maternal Exposure To Environmental Disruptors And Sexually Dimorphic Changes In Maternal And Neonatal Oxidative Stress.”. The Journal Of Clinical Endocrinology And Metabolism.
Liu, Y., et al. “Prenatal Lead Exposure, Type 2 Diabetes, And Cardiometabolic Risk Factors In Mexican Children At Age 10-18 Years.”. The Journal Of Clinical Endocrinology And Metabolism.
Sorensen, M. J., et al. “Ultrahigh-Performance Capillary Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry At 35 Kpsi For Separation Of Lipids.”. Journal Of Chromatography. A, p. 460575.
Cummings, J. R., et al. “Parental Substance Use And Child Reward-Driven Eating Behaviors.”. Appetite, p. 104486.
Kammel, L. G., and S. M. Correa. “Selective Sexual Differentiation Of Neurone Populations May Contribute To Sex-Specific Outputs Of The Ventromedial Nucleus Of The Hypothalamus.”. Journal Of Neuroendocrinology, p. e12801.
Ackerman, K. E., et al. “Effects Of Estrogen Replacement On Bone Geometry And Microarchitecture In Adolescent And Young Adult Oligoamenorrheic Athletes: A Randomized Trial.”. Journal Of Bone And Mineral Research : The Official Journal Of The American Society For Bone And Mineral Research, pp. 248-260.
Boston Area
Commissariat, P., et al. “Identity And Treatment Adherence In Predominantly Ethnic Minority Teens And Young Adults With Type 1 Diabetes.”. Pediatric Diabetes, pp. 53-60.