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Sepsis Induces Prolonged Epigenetic Modifications in Bone Marrow and Peripheral Macrophages Impairing Inflammation and Wound Healing.

Davis, F. M., et al. “Sepsis Induces Prolonged Epigenetic Modifications In Bone Marrow And Peripheral Macrophages Impairing Inflammation And Wound Healing.”. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, And Vascular Biology, pp. 2353-2366.
Center University of Michigan
Author Frank M Davis, Matthew A Schaller, Aaron Dendekker, Amrita D Joshi, Andrew S Kimball, Holly Evanoff, Carol Wilke, Andrea T Obi, William J Melvin, Karen Cavassani, Melissa Scola, Beau Carson, Stephanie Moser, Victoria Blanc, Milo Engoren, Bethany B Moore, Steven L Kunkel, Katherine A Gallagher
Keywords epigenetic, histones, inflammation, macrophages, sepsis

OBJECTIVE: Sepsis represents an acute life-threatening disorder resulting from a dysregulated host response. For patients who survive sepsis, there remains long-term consequences, including impaired inflammation, as a result of profound immunosuppression. The mechanisms involved in this long-lasting deficient immune response are poorly defined. Approach and Results: Sepsis was induced using the murine model of cecal ligation and puncture. Following a full recovery period from sepsis physiology, mice were subjected to our wound healing model and wound macrophages (CD11b+, CD3-, CD19-, Ly6G-) were sorted. Post-sepsis mice demonstrated impaired wound healing and decreased reepithelization in comparison to controls. Further, post-sepsis bone marrow-derived macrophages and wound macrophages exhibited decreased expression of inflammatory cytokines vital for wound repair (IL [interleukin]-1β, IL-12, and IL-23). To evaluate if decreased inflammatory gene expression was secondary to epigenetic modification, we conducted chromatin immunoprecipitation on post-sepsis bone marrow-derived macrophages and wound macrophages. This demonstrated decreased expression of , an epigenetic enzyme, and impaired histone 3 lysine 4 trimethylation (activation mark) at NFκB (nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells)-binding sites on inflammatory gene promoters in bone marrow-derived macrophages and wound macrophages from postcecal ligation and puncture mice. Bone marrow transplantation studies demonstrated epigenetic modifications initiate in bone marrow progenitor/stem cells following sepsis resulting in lasting impairment in peripheral macrophage function. Importantly, human peripheral blood leukocytes from post-septic patients demonstrate a significant reduction in compared with nonseptic controls.

CONCLUSIONS: These data demonstrate that severe sepsis induces stable mixed-lineage leukemia 1-mediated epigenetic modifications in the bone marrow, which are passed to peripheral macrophages resulting in impaired macrophage function and deficient wound healing persisting long after sepsis recovery.

Year of Publication
Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology
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Alternate Journal
Arterioscler. Thromb. Vasc. Biol.
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