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Center Publications

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Liang, K. -H., et al. “Morphomic Signatures Derived From Computed Tomography Predict Hepatocellular Carcinoma Occurrence In Cirrhotic Patients.”. Digestive Diseases And Sciences, pp. 2130-2139.
Halper-Stromberg, E., et al. “Bone Mineral Density Across The Lifespan In Patients With Type 1 Diabetes.”. The Journal Of Clinical Endocrinology And Metabolism.
Nason, S. R., et al. “Glucagon-Receptor Signaling Reverses Hepatic Steatosis Independent Of Leptin Receptor Expression.”. Endocrinology.
Miller, K. M., et al. “Longitudinal Changes In Continuous Glucose Monitoring Use Among Individuals With Type 1 Diabetes: International Comparison In The German And Austrian Dpv And U.s. T1D Exchange Registries.”. Diabetes Care, pp. e1-e2.
Azhar, S., et al. “The Role Of Mirnas In Regulating Adrenal And Gonadal Steroidogenesis.”. Journal Of Molecular Endocrinology, pp. R21-R43.
White, J. M., et al. “Reference Gene Optimization For Circadian Gene Expression Analysis In Human Adipose Tissue.”. Journal Of Biological Rhythms, pp. 84-97.
Amod, A., et al. “Glomerular Filtration Rate And Associated Risks Of Cardiovascular Events, Mortality, And Severe Hypoglycemia In Patients With Type 2 Diabetes: Secondary Analysis (Devote 11).”. Diabetes Therapy : Research, Treatment And Education Of Diabetes And Related Disorders, pp. 53-70.
Dean, D. “A Primary Role For Α-Cells As Amino Acid Sensors.”. Diabetes, pp. 542-549.
Qi, Y., et al. “Kinome Profiling Reveals Abnormal Activity Of Kinases In Skeletal Muscle From Adults With Obesity And Insulin Resistance.”. The Journal Of Clinical Endocrinology And Metabolism.
Wu, Y., et al. “Accelerometer-Measured Physical Activity, Reproductive Hormones, And Dna Methylation.”. Medicine And Science In Sports And Exercise, pp. 598-607.
Blind, R. D. “Structural Analyses Of Inositol Phosphate Second Messengers Bound To Signaling Effector Proteins.”. Advances In Biological Regulation, p. 100667.
Sanchez-Rangel, E., et al. “Norepinephrine Transporter Availability In Brown Fat Is Reduced In Obesity: A Human Pet Study With [C] Mrb.”. International Journal Of Obesity (2005), pp. 964-967.