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Center Publications

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Semenkovich, C. F. “We Know More Than We Can Tell About Diabetes And Vascular Disease: The 2016 Edwin Bierman Award Lecture.”. Diabetes, pp. 1735-1741.
Ma, H., et al. “Attenuated Effects Of Bile Acids On Glucose Metabolism And Insulin Sensitivity In A Male Mouse Model Of Prenatal Undernutrition.”. Endocrinology, pp. 2441-2452.
Beltejar, M. -C. G., et al. “Analyses Of Pde-Regulated Phosphoproteomes Reveal Unique And Specific Camp-Signaling Modules In T Cells.”. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America, pp. E6240-E6249.
Brady, C. J., et al. “Improving Consensus Scoring Of Crowdsourced Data Using The Rasch Model: Development And Refinement Of A Diagnostic Instrument.”. Journal Of Medical Internet Research, p. e222.
Webb, A. H., et al. “Inhibition Of Mmp-2 And Mmp-9 Decreases Cellular Migration, And Angiogenesis In In Vitro Models Of Retinoblastoma.”. Bmc Cancer, p. 434.
Ramos, C. J., and D. A. Antonetti. “The Role Of Small Gtpases And Epac-Rap Signaling In The Regulation Of The Blood-Brain And Blood-Retinal Barriers.”. Tissue Barriers, p. e1339768.
Weaver, J. D., et al. “Vasculogenic Hydrogel Enhances Islet Survival, Engraftment, And Function In Leading Extrahepatic Sites.”. Science Advances, p. e1700184.
Ben-Avraham, D., et al. “The Gh Receptor Exon 3 Deletion Is A Marker Of Male-Specific Exceptional Longevity Associated With Increased Gh Sensitivity And Taller Stature.”. Science Advances, p. e1602025.
Hatanaka, M., et al. “Chronic High Fat Feeding Restricts Islet Mrna Translation Initiation Independently Of Er Stress Via Dna Damage And P53 Activation.”. Scientific Reports, p. 3758.
Li, D., et al. “A Genome-Wide Association Study Of Anorexia Nervosa Suggests A Risk Locus Implicated In Dysregulated Leptin Signaling.”. Scientific Reports, p. 3847.
Watkin, L. B., et al. “Unique Influenza A Cross-Reactive Memory Cd8 T-Cell Receptor Repertoire Has A Potential To Protect Against Ebv Seroconversion.”. The Journal Of Allergy And Clinical Immunology, pp. 1206-1210.
Do, C., et al. “Genetic-Epigenetic Interactions In Cis: A Major Focus In The Post-Gwas Era.”. Genome Biology, p. 120.