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Center Publications

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Mukherjee, S., et al. “In Silico Modeling Identifies Cd45 As A Regulator Of Il-2 Synergy In The Nkg2D-Mediated Activation Of Immature Human Nk Cells.”. Science Signaling.
Wilson, D. F., et al. “The Thermodynamic Basis Of Glucose-Stimulated Insulin Release: A Model Of The Core Mechanism.”. Physiological Reports.
Zimmers, T. A., et al. “Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Restoration Rescues The Fatty Liver Regeneration In Mice.”. American Journal Of Physiology. Endocrinology And Metabolism, pp. E440-E449.
Brook, R. D., et al. “Air Pollution And Cardiometabolic Disease: An Update And Call For Clinical Trials.”. American Journal Of Hypertension, pp. 1-10.
Lu, W., et al. “Metabolite Measurement: Pitfalls To Avoid And Practices To Follow.”. Annual Review Of Biochemistry, pp. 277-304.
Olou, A. A., et al. “Mammalian Ecd Protein Is A Novel Negative Regulator Of The Perk Arm Of The Unfolded Protein Response.”. Molecular And Cellular Biology.
Kim, C., et al. “Changes In Visceral Adiposity, Subcutaneous Adiposity, And Sex Hormones In The Diabetes Prevention Program.”. The Journal Of Clinical Endocrinology And Metabolism, pp. 3381-3389.
Wang, S., et al. “Rosiglitazone Improves Insulin Resistance Mediated By 10,12 Conjugated Linoleic Acid In A Male Mouse Model Of Metabolic Syndrome.”. Endocrinology, pp. 2848-2859.
Ma, X., et al. “Iron Elevation And Adipose Tissue Remodeling In The Epididymal Depot Of A Mouse Model Of Polygenic Obesity.”. Plos One, p. e0179889.
Brady, T. M., et al. “Transfer Of Bacteriophage Ms2 And Fluorescein From N95 Filtering Facepiece Respirators To Hands: Measuring Fomite Potential.”. Journal Of Occupational And Environmental Hygiene, pp. 898-906.
Zhang, H., et al. “Synergistic Modulation Of Inflammatory But Not Metabolic Effects Of High-Fat Feeding By Ccr2 And Cx3Cr1.”. Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.), pp. 1410-1420.
Rahman, K., et al. “Inflammatory Ly6Chi Monocytes And Their Conversion To M2 Macrophages Drive Atherosclerosis Regression.”. The Journal Of Clinical Investigation, pp. 2904-2915.