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Center Publications

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Palygin, O., et al. “Acute In Vivo Analysis Of Atp Release In Rat Kidneys In Response To Changes Of Renal Perfusion Pressure.”. Journal Of The American Heart Association.
Schwartz, M. W., et al. “Obesity Pathogenesis: An Endocrine Society Scientific Statement.”. Endocrine Reviews, pp. 267-296.
Wheeler, E., et al. “Impact Of Common Genetic Determinants Of Hemoglobin A1C On Type 2 Diabetes Risk And Diagnosis In Ancestrally Diverse Populations: A Transethnic Genome-Wide Meta-Analysis.”. Plos Medicine, p. e1002383.
Penning, T. M. “Aldo-Keto Reductase (Akr) 1C3 Inhibitors: A Patent Review.”. Expert Opinion On Therapeutic Patents, pp. 1329-1340.
Yu, H., et al. “Intestinal Type 1 Regulatory T Cells Migrate To Periphery To Suppress Diabetogenic T Cells And Prevent Diabetes Development.”. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America, pp. 10443-10448.
Peters, L. A., et al. “A Functional Genomics Predictive Network Model Identifies Regulators Of Inflammatory Bowel Disease.”. Nature Genetics, pp. 1437-1449.
Tarling, E. J., et al. “Rna-Binding Protein Zfp36L1 Maintains Posttranscriptional Regulation Of Bile Acid Metabolism.”. The Journal Of Clinical Investigation, pp. 3741-3754.
Samala, N., et al. “Molecular Mechanisms Of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: Potential Role For 12-Lipoxygenase.”. Journal Of Diabetes And Its Complications, pp. 1630-1637.
Chen, B., et al. “Loss Of Mitochondrial In Striatal Medium Spiny Neurons Mediates Progressive Motor Impairment In A Mouse Model Of Leigh Syndrome.”. Frontiers In Molecular Neuroscience, p. 265.
Scavuzzo, M. A., et al. “Organotypic Pancreatoids With Native Mesenchyme Develop Insulin Producing Endocrine Cells.”. Scientific Reports, p. 10810.