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Center Publications

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Wang, Y., et al. “Adipocyte Liver Kinase B1 Suppresses Beige Adipocyte Renaissance Through Class Iia Histone Deacetylase 4.”. Diabetes, pp. 2952-2963.
Sharma, S. R., et al. “Social Determinants Of Common Metabolic Risk Factors (High Blood Pressure, High Blood Sugar, High Body Mass Index And High Waist-Hip Ratio) Of Major Non-Communicable Diseases In South Asia Region: A Systematic Review Protocol.”. Systematic Reviews, p. 183.
Mani, S. “Indole Microbial Metabolites: Expanding And Translating Target(S).”. Oncotarget, pp. 52014-52015.
Demark-Wahnefried, W., et al. “Presurgical Weight Loss Affects Tumour Traits And Circulating Biomarkers In Men With Prostate Cancer.”. British Journal Of Cancer, pp. 1303-1313.
Berezniuk, I., et al. “Prosaas-Derived Peptides Are Regulated By Cocaine And Are Required For Sensitization To The Locomotor Effects Of Cocaine.”. Journal Of Neurochemistry, pp. 268-281.
Nguyen, M. L. T., et al. “"T-Bet"-Ing On Autoimmunity Variants.”. Plos Genetics, p. e1006924.
Kowluru, A. “Role Of G-Proteins In Islet Function In Health And Diabetes.”. Diabetes, Obesity & Metabolism, pp. 63-75.
Aamodt, K. I., and A. C. Powers. “Signals In The Pancreatic Islet Microenvironment Influence Β-Cell Proliferation.”. Diabetes, Obesity & Metabolism, pp. 124-136.
Shamsi, F., et al. “Microrna Regulation Of Brown Adipogenesis And Thermogenic Energy Expenditure.”. Frontiers In Endocrinology, p. 205.
Liu, R., et al. “Tead1 Is Required For Maintaining Adult Cardiomyocyte Function, And Its Loss Results In Lethal Dilated Cardiomyopathy.”. Jci Insight.
Pavela, G., et al. “Social Status And Energy Intake: A Randomized Controlled Experiment.”. Clinical Obesity, pp. 316-322.
Westacott, M. J., et al. “Spatially Organized Β-Cell Subpopulations Control Electrical Dynamics Across Islets Of Langerhans.”. Biophysical Journal, pp. 1093-1108.