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Center Publications

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Batista-Gonzalez, A., and R. Singh. “Lysosomal Function In Β-Cell Survival During Glucolipotoxicity.”. Annals Of Translational Medicine, p. 471.
Dai, X., et al. “Sm22Α Suppresses Cytokine-Induced Inflammation And The Transcription Of Nf-Κb Inducing Kinase (Nik) By Modulating Srf Transcriptional Activity In Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells.”. Plos One, p. e0190191.
Wang, F., et al. “Rlim-Dependent And -Independent Pathways For X Chromosome Inactivation In Female Escs.”. Cell Reports, pp. 3691-3699.
Stechschulte, L. A., and B. Lecka-Czernik. “Reciprocal Regulation Of Pparγ And Runx2 Activities In Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells: Fine Balance Between P38 Mapk And Protein Phosphatase 5.”. Current Molecular Biology Reports, pp. 107-113.
Vincenti, F., et al. “A Phase 2, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Randomized Study Of Fresolimumab In Patients With Steroid-Resistant Primary Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis.”. Kidney International Reports, pp. 800-810.
Griggs, R. B., et al. “Methylglyoxal Requires Ac1 And Trpa1 To Produce Pain And Spinal Neuron Activation.”. Frontiers In Neuroscience, p. 679.
Ma, E., et al. “F2-Isoprostanes Reflect Oxidative Stress Correlated With Lean Mass And Bone Density But Not Insulin Resistance.”. Journal Of The Endocrine Society, pp. 436-448.
Fernandez, M. O., et al. “Astrocyte-Specific Deletion Of Peroxisome-Proliferator Activated Receptor- Impairs Glucose Metabolism And Estrous Cycling In Female Mice.”. Journal Of The Endocrine Society, pp. 1332-1350.
Kim, M., et al. “Intestinal, But Not Hepatic, Chrebp Is Required For Fructose Tolerance.”. Jci Insight.
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Abebe, T., et al. “Nrf2/Antioxidant Pathway Mediates Β Cell Self-Repair After Damage By High-Fat Diet-Induced Oxidative Stress.”. Jci Insight.
Duraisamy, A. J., et al. “Crosstalk Between Histone And Dna Methylation In Regulation Of Retinal Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 In Diabetes.”. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, pp. 6440-6448.