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Center Publications

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Shechter, A., and G. J. Schwartz. “Gut-Brain Nutrient Sensing In Food Reward.”. Appetite, pp. 32-35.
AbuDagga, A., et al. “Organizational Characteristics Associated With The Provision Of Cultural Competency Training In Home And Hospice Care Agencies.”. Health Care Management Review, pp. 328-337.
Golberg, A., et al. “Skin Regeneration With All Accessory Organs Following Ablation With Irreversible Electroporation.”. Journal Of Tissue Engineering And Regenerative Medicine, pp. 98-113.
Boston Area
Floyd, J. S., et al. “Large-Scale Pharmacogenomic Study Of Sulfonylureas And The Qt, Jt And Qrs Intervals: Charge Pharmacogenomics Working Group.”. The Pharmacogenomics Journal, pp. 127-135.
Hull, P. C., et al. “Childhood Obesity Prevention Cluster Randomized Trial For Hispanic Families: Outcomes Of The Healthy Families Study.”. Pediatric Obesity, pp. 686-696.
Xu, K., et al. “Epigenome-Wide Association Analysis Revealed That Socs3 Methylation Influences The Effect Of Cumulative Stress On Obesity.”. Biological Psychology, pp. 63-71.
Tomoaia-Cotisel, A., et al. “Implementation Of Care Management: An Analysis Of Recent Ahrq Research.”. Medical Care Research And Review : Mcrr, pp. 46-65.
Kelly, V. E., et al. “Association Of Self-Reported Cognitive Concerns With Mobility In People With Lower Limb Loss.”. Disability And Rehabilitation, pp. 96-103.
Bharmal, N. H., et al. “The Association Of Religious Affiliation With Overweight/Obesity Among South Asians: The Mediators Of Atherosclerosis In South Asians Living In America (Masala) Study.”. Journal Of Religion And Health, pp. 33-46.
Heo, M., et al. “Sample Size Determinations For Stepped-Wedge Clinical Trials From A Three-Level Data Hierarchy Perspective.”. Statistical Methods In Medical Research, pp. 480-489.
Kim, C., et al. “Anti-Müllerian Hormone And Its Relationships With Subclinical Cardiovascular Disease And Renal Disease In A Longitudinal Cohort Study Of Women With Type 1 Diabetes.”. Women's Midlife Health, p. 5.
Basu, S., et al. “Black-White Cardiovascular Disease Disparities After Target-Based Versus Personalized Benefit-Based Lipid And Blood Pressure Treatment.”. Mdm Policy & Practice, p. 2381468317725741.