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Center Publications

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Masand, R., et al. “Proteome Imbalance Of Mitochondrial Electron Transport Chain In Brown Adipocytes Leads To Metabolic Benefits.”. Cell Metabolism, pp. 616-629.e4.
Tharp, K. M., et al. “Actomyosin-Mediated Tension Orchestrates Uncoupled Respiration In Adipose Tissues.”. Cell Metabolism, pp. 602-615.e4.
Montrose, L., et al. “Maternal Levels Of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals In The First Trimester Of Pregnancy Are Associated With Infant Cord Blood Dna Methylation.”. Epigenetics, pp. 301-309.
Wang, T., et al. “The Niehs Target Ii Consortium And Environmental Epigenomics.”. Nature Biotechnology, pp. 225-227.
Friedman, J. E., et al. “Pyrroloquinoline Quinone Prevents Developmental Programming Of Microbial Dysbiosis And Macrophage Polarization To Attenuate Liver Fibrosis In Offspring Of Obese Mice.”. Hepatology Communications, pp. 313-328.
Ibrahim, F., et al. “Ribothrypsis, A Novel Process Of Canonical Mrna Decay, Mediates Ribosome-Phased Mrna Endonucleolysis.”. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology, pp. 302-310.
Aslamy, A., et al. “Exocytosis Protein Doc2B As A Biomarker Of Type 1 Diabetes.”. The Journal Of Clinical Endocrinology And Metabolism, pp. 1966-1976.
Dunn, E. C., et al. “Genome-Wide Association Study Of Depressive Symptoms In The Hispanic Community Health Study/Study Of Latinos.”. Journal Of Psychiatric Research, pp. 167-176.
Riopel, M., et al. “Chronic Fractalkine Administration Improves Glucose Tolerance And Pancreatic Endocrine Function.”. The Journal Of Clinical Investigation, pp. 1458-1470.
Pacanowski, C. R., et al. “Psychological Status And Weight Variability Over Eight Years: Results From Look Ahead.”. Health Psychology : Official Journal Of The Division Of Health Psychology, American Psychological Association, pp. 238-246.
Scolaro, B., et al. “Statin Dose Reduction With Complementary Diet Therapy: A Pilot Study Of Personalized Medicine.”. Molecular Metabolism, pp. 137-144.
Bulut-Karslioglu, A., et al. “The Transcriptionally Permissive Chromatin State Of Embryonic Stem Cells Is Acutely Tuned To Translational Output.”. Cell Stem Cell, pp. 369-383.e8.