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Center Publications

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Kazemian, P., et al. “Development And Validation Of Predict-Dm: A New Microsimulation Model To Project And Evaluate Complications And Treatments Of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.”. Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics, pp. 344-355.
Boston Area
Spanier, J. A., et al. “Editorial: Fresh Ideas, Foundational Experiments: Immunology And Diabetes.”. Frontiers In Endocrinology, p. 315.
Yu, B., et al. “The Consortium Of Metabolomics Studies (Comets): Metabolomics In 47 Prospective Cohort Studies.”. American Journal Of Epidemiology, pp. 991-1012.
Aguayo-Mazzucato, C., et al. “Acceleration Of Β Cell Aging Determines Diabetes And Senolysis Improves Disease Outcomes.”. Cell Metabolism, pp. 129-142.e4.
Boston Area
Wang, W., et al. “A Prdm16-Driven Metabolic Signal From Adipocytes Regulates Precursor Cell Fate.”. Cell Metabolism, pp. 174-189.e5.
Ramírez, C. M., et al. “Caveolin-1 Regulates Atherogenesis By Attenuating Low-Density Lipoprotein Transcytosis And Vascular Inflammation Independently Of Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase Activation.”. Circulation, pp. 225-239.
Wuttke, M., et al. “A Catalog Of Genetic Loci Associated With Kidney Function From Analyses Of A Million Individuals.”. Nature Genetics, pp. 957-972.
Looker, H. C., et al. “Changes In Albuminuria But Not Gfr Are Associated With Early Changes In Kidney Structure In Type 2 Diabetes.”. Journal Of The American Society Of Nephrology : Jasn, pp. 1049-1059.
Kahkoska, A. R., et al. “Assessment Of A Precision Medicine Analysis Of A Behavioral Counseling Strategy To Improve Adherence To Diabetes Self-Management Among Youth: A Post Hoc Analysis Of The Flex Trial.”. Jama Network Open, p. e195137.
Stenemo, M., et al. “The Metabolites Urobilin And Sphingomyelin (30:1) Are Associated With Incident Heart Failure In The General Population.”. Esc Heart Failure, pp. 764-773.
Chakraborty, T. S., et al. “Sensory Perception Of Dead Conspecifics Induces Aversive Cues And Modulates Lifespan Through Serotonin In Drosophila.”. Nature Communications, p. 2365.