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Center Publications

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Ioannou, G. N., et al. “Cholesterol Crystals In Hepatocyte Lipid Droplets Are Strongly Associated With Human Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis.”. Hepatology Communications, pp. 776-791.
Rogers, M. A. M., et al. “Duration Of Insulin Supply In Type 1 Diabetes: Are 90 Days Better Or Worse Than 30 Days?”. Diabetes Spectrum : A Publication Of The American Diabetes Association, pp. 139-144.
Park, J., et al. “Functional Methylome Analysis Of Human Diabetic Kidney Disease.”. Jci Insight.
Redondo, M. J., et al. “The Influence Of Type 2 Diabetes-Associated Factors On Type 1 Diabetes.”. Diabetes Care, pp. 1357-1364.
Kalugotla, G., et al. “Frontline Science: Acyl-Coa Synthetase 1 Exacerbates Lipotoxic Inflammasome Activation In Primary Macrophages.”. Journal Of Leukocyte Biology, pp. 803-814.
Nath, K., and C. A. Thaiss. “Digitalizing The Microbiome For Human Health.”. Msystems.
Baig, A. A., et al. “Using Photovoice To Promote Diabetes Self-Management In Latino Patients.”. Translational Behavioral Medicine, pp. 1151-1156.
Emfinger, C. H., et al. “Beta-Cell Excitability And Excitability-Driven Diabetes In Adult Zebrafish Islets.”. Physiological Reports, p. e14101.
Kazak, L., et al. “Ablation Of Adipocyte Creatine Transport Impairs Thermogenesis And Causes Diet-Induced Obesity.”. Nature Metabolism, pp. 360-370.
Boston Area
Batista, T. M., et al. “The Insulin Receptor Goes Nuclear.”. Cell Research, pp. 509-511.
Liu, L., et al. “Epac1 And Glycyrrhizin Both Inhibit Hmgb1 Levels To Reduce Diabetes-Induced Neuronal And Vascular Damage In The Mouse Retina.”. Journal Of Clinical Medicine.
Zhu, R., et al. “Defective Endoplasmic Reticulum Export Causes Proinsulin Misfolding In Pancreatic Β Cells.”. Molecular And Cellular Endocrinology, p. 110470.