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dkNET New Investigator Pilot Program in Bioinformatics The dkNET New Investigator Pilot Program is designed to: (i) facilitate the ability of Early Stage and New Investigators with computational and bioinformatics expertise to pursue research questions in DEMD, or (ii) allow Early Stage and New PIs currently pursuing DEMD-related research to explore incorporating computational, mathematical, statistical, and/or bioinformatics approaches into their research projects. Letter of Intent Due Date: January 28, 2022.
HIRN Catalyst Award (2021) The Human Islet Research Network (HIRN) announces a new funding initiative to support investigators developing bold, innovative, and challenging projects that will catalyze the field of type 1 diabetes research and provide important advances in topics of interest to the network. To be considered “catalyzing”, the proposed research must address significant and currently intractable problems by employing approaches or ideas that are currently outside the mainstream of contemporary research.
HIRN Webinar: Elucidating the Endocrine-Exocrine Communication Axis in the Pancreas: Implications for Disease The Human Islet Research Network will be hosting a webinar: Elucidating the Endocrine-Exocrine Communication Axis in the Pancreas: Implications for Disease, Presented by Raghu Mirmira, University of Chicago, Kyle Gaulton, University of California, San Diego, Martha Campbell-Thompson, University of Florida, Manami Hara, University of Chicago, Andy Norris, University of Iowa, Thursday October 21, 2021, 2pm Eastern.
HIRN Webinar: Introduction to the HIRN Human Pancreas Analysis Program (HPAP): Real World Examples of Successful Data Analyses The Human Islet Research Network will be hosting a webinar: Introduction to the HIRN Human Pancreas Analysis Program (HPAP): Real World Examples of Successful Data Analyses, Thursday September 9 2021 2pm Eastern, to highlight advancements of the network.
HIRN Webinar: Bridging the Gap: Pancreas Tissue Slices From Organ and Tissue Donors for the Study of Diabetes Pathogenesis The Human Islet Research Enhancement Center (HIREC) will be hosting a webinar: Bridging the Gap: Pancreas Tissue Slices From Organ and Tissue Donors for the Study of Diabetes Pathogenesis, Thursday July 22 2021 1pm Eastern, to highlight advancements of the network. The goal of this public webinar is to share HIRN advancements with the scientific community.
HIRN Webinar: Exploring Humanized Mouse Models For Diabetes Research and Beyond The Human Islet Research Enhancement Center (HIREC) will be hosting a webinar Exploring Humanized Mouse Models For Diabetes Research and Beyond, Thursday June 24 2021 2pm Eastern, to highlight advancements of the network. The goal of this public webinar is to share HIRN advancements with the scientific community.
NIDDK Medical Student Program Lectures: Summer 2021 Lectures from the NIDDK Medical Student Research Program in Diabetes and Obesity 2021
NIDDK Program Director for Integrative Physiology of Human Diabetes A scientist with strong managerial, communications and interpersonal skills, and experience in integrative physiology relevant to diabetes, is sought for the position of Program Director for Integrative Physiology.
Stanford Academic Endocrinologists Faculty Positions The Division of Endocrinology, Gerontology and Metabolism in the Department of Medicine at Stanford University School of Medicine invites applicants for two full-time faculty positions at the rank of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor or Professor in either the Medical Center Line or University Tenure Line.
HIRN Webinar: From Donation to Automation: The Ins and Outs of High-Throughput Islet Cell Culture The Human Islet Research Enhancement Center (HIREC) will be hosting a webinar From Donation to Automation: The Ins and Outs of High-Throughput Islet Cell Culture, Wednesday April 28 2021 2pm Eastern, to highlight HIRN advancements with the scientific community.
Request for Information: Challenges and Opportunities in Understanding Cellular Senescence and Senolytics The NIH has published three RFAs (RFA-RM-21-008; RFA-RM-21-009; RFA-RM-21-010) in January 2021 to develop 3D cellular senescence maps of healthy human tissues and to develop novel tools and technologies to address the role of senescent cells in human health and disease. As part of the initial planning process, we are requesting input from the scientific community on the challenges in this field that can best be addressed through a concerted and coordinated effort.
NIDDK Medical Student Research Program in Diabetes: Summer 2021 The Medical Student Summer Research Program in Diabetes and Obesity is sponsored by the National Institutes of Health through the NIDDK and allows medical students to conduct research under the direction of an established scientist in the areas of diabetes, hormone action, physiology, islet cell biology, obesity or complications at an institution with one of the NIDDK-funded Diabetes Centers during the summer between the first and second year or second and third year of medical school. Application deadline for summer 2021: 11:59 pm CST January 25, 2021.