Stanford Clinical and Translational Core
The Clinical and Translational Core at Stanford is comprised of three core services: iBiobank, Advanced Analytics, and Clinical Registry, all serving to provide training opportunities to junior SDRC investigators, and to connect established SDRC investigators for higher impact collaborations.
Utilize or Contribute to the Biorepository
DCTC provides access to existing and prospectively collected samples with standardized collection, sample tracking, links to clinical data, and access via a centralized hub. SDRC members will have access to banked human serum, plasma, urine, saliva, feces, other bodily fluids, or tissue specimens that are logged and accessible via a usable system (iBiobank). Members are required to register their protocol on indicating SDRC membership for applicable discounts. After phlebotomy, the CTRU laboratory will centrifuge and aliquot samples and perform non-CLIA assays according to protocol SOPs. Samples will be assigned unique identifiers and logged into inventory with storage location using these identifiers. The data will be available in spreadsheets according to variables of interest and available via the website for access by members.
Consult on Advanced Analytics (Study Design, Data Management, and Data Analysis)
A major mission of the Stanford Clinical & Translational Core (CTC) is to engage SDRC investigators on their data-related needs. The CTC will accomplish this through partnership with the Quantitative Sciences Unit (QSU). The QSU is a collaborative group of data scientists who engage in interdisciplinary research. Members of the QSU are available to collaborate on study design, data management, and analysis of diabetes-related studies initiated by SDRC investigators. The QSU offers professional data analysis using the most modern statistical techniques and secure HIPAA- and IRB-compliant management and coordination of data. The QSU engages in medical research with clinical and translational faculty on the medical campus in the following arenas: study design, statistical analysis, methods and software development, data management, data and safety monitoring board activities, and education and training in research methods.
For more details on the activities in which the QSU engages clinical and translational investigators, please visit the QSU website.
Importantly, if you are a member of the SDRC, or a fellow engaged in diabetes-related research whose mentor is a member of the SDRC, and you would like to discuss your study or data-related needs with the QSU, please visit the website and fill out a project initiation form to start the collaborative process.
Navigate Resources for the Conduct of Clinical Trials
DCTC will create a clinical registry for recruitment and advise members on logistics and conduct of trials with additional guidance regarding human subject retention and compliance. DCTC staff have a clear understanding of why subjects leave trials and will help with retention strategies including group orientation, innovative behavioral techniques, rigorous run-in and personal touches such as follow ups, flexible schedules, patience and persistence.
Clinical Research Registry
The Clinical Research Registry is an online service used for recruitment purposes by SDRC members and groups. Potential participants consent to allow their information to be stored and shared amongst SDRC groups and fill out a short online questionnaire with some basic information, including diabetic status. This registry serves as a bank of participants from which groups can recruit individuals for their specific clinical studies.
Access freshly-procured human organs and tissues
The SDRC Human Tissue Core minimizes the cost and effort of human tissue procurement for Stanford researchers. The core groups common requests, orders specimens through organ procurement organizations, and divides the cost among users. Users do not need individual MTAs and achieve significant savings. Researchers may also engage in collaborative efforts as samples studied in multiple labs may originate from the same donors.