The Wasserman lab studies the role of physical exercise, insulin-stimulation and diet in metabolism. We use a variety of animal models, isotopic techniques and analytical methods that allow us to study metabolism from gene to the whole organism. In many of our studies we use physical exercise, insulin-stimulation or diet to perturb metabolic fuel systems. The research we undertake is not only critical to a basic understanding of fuel metabolism but also has important implications to diabetes and heart disease.
Possible research projects include studies of:
- site-specific (extracellular glucose delivery, glucose transport, glucose phosphorylation) regulation of muscle glucose uptake in normal physiology, in insulin resistant states induced by high fat feeding and in insulin sensitive states induced by physical exercise.
- roles of insulin and glucagon in regulation of hepatic glucose metabolism during and after exercise.
- integrated control of glucose and fat metabolism in health and disease.
- central role of energy sensors (AMP kinase, Sirtuins) in control of intra- and interorgan fuel fluxes.