David Maahs MD PhD
While in Colorado Dr Maahs was the local PI on the Preventing Early Renal Loss (PERL) study, an RCT funded by the NIDDK. PERL is testing the hypothesis generated by epidemiologic data that lowering uric acid with allopurinol will prevent early kidney function decline in T1D. He is a PI on another NIDDK sponsored RCT, Flexible Lifestyles 3mpowering Change (FL3X), an innovative behavioral intervention for adolescents with T1D that addresses specific needs for improved care identified in the SEARCH study and T1DX registry. As a logical extension of this research to prevent T1D complications and improve care, his research has increasingly focused on the development of the artificial pancreas as improved glucose control is the best proven method to prevent T1D complications. In Colorado, Dr Maahs was the local PI on 3 UC4 funded artificial pancreas studies and he continues these JDRF, NIDDK, NSF, Helmsley Charitable Trust and industry funded studies at Stanford with Drs Bruce Buckingham and Korey Hood. He was co-PI on the University of Colorado T32 and K12 training grants in Pediatric Endocrinology with Dr Georgeanna Klingensmith and is co-director developing the Stanford University Diabetes Research and Training Center with Drs Seung Kim and Frederic Kraemer.
The website Expertscape lists Dr Maahs 5th in T1D expertise worldwide based on research publications. In addition, Dr Maahs is active clinically and was co-author with Dr Peter Chase on the 12th and 13th editions of Understanding Diabetes, or Pink Panther education books which are the most widely used patient education books for pediatric diabetes worldwide and are translated into Spanish, Arabic, and Chinese.