Penn Transgenic Mouse Genome Editing Core
The Transgenic Transgenic Mouse Genome Editing Core has generated a wide range of transgenic and gene-targeted mouse lines that have proven to be powerful tools for the study of the molecular biology and physiology of Type I and Type II diabetes, obesity, and developmental and mechanistic bases for a wide variety of other disorders of endocrinology and metabolism.
A primary function of the core is to provide a centralized laboratory that will generate infection-free strains of mice carrying transgenes or targeted alterations of specific interest to individual projects in the DRC. The centralization of these technically demanding procedures in the Core laboratory results in enhanced efficiency and significant cost reduction for the DRC community.
The purpose of the Transgenic & Chimeric Mouse Facility is to provide a centralized service to efficiently produce transgenic mice for basic research. This should result in reduction in effort and cost to participating investigators. The facility is located on the basement level of the Clinical Research Building. This facility consists of an animal room and several injection rooms. The injection rooms are fully equipped to carry out the entire procedure of making transgenic mice. The animal room provides housing and breeding space for the mice involved in the transgenic projects. The facility uses sterile food and water as well as autoclaved cages and bedding; all cages are of the microisolator type to limit the spread of colony infection. The entire facility is located behind a microbiologic barrier where admittance is strictly limited and all personnel must wear sterile coveralls, gloves, hats, masks, and boots.
For more information about our services, charges for or personnel please visit the official Transgenic & Chimeric Mouse Facility.