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Center Publications

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Vaicik, M. K., et al. “The Absence Of Laminin Α4 In Male Mice Results In Enhanced Energy Expenditure And Increased Beige Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue.”. Endocrinology, pp. 356-367.
Speed, J. S., et al. “High Dietary Sodium Causes Dyssynchrony Of The Renal Molecular Clock In Rats.”. American Journal Of Physiology. Renal Physiology, pp. F89-F98.
VanWagner, L. B., et al. “Body Mass Index Trajectories In Young Adulthood Predict Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease In Middle Age: The Cardia Cohort Study.”. Liver International : Official Journal Of The International Association For The Study Of The Liver, pp. 706-714.
Espeland, M. A., et al. “Long-Term Impact Of Weight Loss Intervention On Changes In Cognitive Function: Exploratory Analyses From The Action For Health In Diabetes Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial.”. The Journals Of Gerontology. Series A, Biological Sciences And Medical Sciences, pp. 484-491.
Ismail, H. M., et al. “The Shape Of The Glucose Concentration Curve During An Oral Glucose Tolerance Test Predicts Risk For Type 1 Diabetes.”. Diabetologia, pp. 84-92.
Riek, A. E., et al. “Vitamin D Supplementation Decreases A Unique Circulating Monocyte Cholesterol Pool In Patients With Type 2 Diabetes.”. The Journal Of Steroid Biochemistry And Molecular Biology, pp. 187-192.
Lynch, K. F., et al. “Gestational Respiratory Infections Interacting With Offspring Hla And Ctla-4 Modifies Incident Β-Cell Autoantibodies.”. Journal Of Autoimmunity, pp. 93-103.
Smith, C. E., et al. “Genome-Wide Interactions With Dairy Intake For Body Mass Index In Adults Of European Descent.”. Molecular Nutrition & Food Research.
Sondermeijer, H. P., et al. “Rgdfk-Peptide Modified Alginate Scaffold For Cell Transplantation And Cardiac Neovascularization.”. Tissue Engineering. Part A, pp. 740-751.
Sanyoura, M., et al. “Pancreatic Histopathology Of Human Monogenic Diabetes Due To Causal Variants In Kcnj11, Hnf1A, Gata6, And Lmna.”. The Journal Of Clinical Endocrinology And Metabolism, pp. 35-45.
Ewald, C. Y., et al. “Untangling Longevity, Dauer, And Healthspan In Caenorhabditis Elegans Insulin/Igf-1-Signalling.”. Gerontology, pp. 96-104.