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Center Publications

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Du, D., et al. “Multiplatform Metabolomics Investigation Of Antiadipogenic Effects On 3T3-L1 Adipocytes By A Potent Diarylheptanoid.”. Journal Of Proteome Research, pp. 2092-2101.
Smith, G. I., et al. “Effect Of Protein Supplementation During Diet-Induced Weight Loss On Muscle Mass And Strength: A Randomized Controlled Study.”. Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.), pp. 854-861.
Yoshino, J., et al. “Percutaneous Muscle Biopsy-Induced Tissue Injury Causes Local Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress.”. Physiological Reports, p. e13679.
Callaghan, B. C., et al. “Diabetes And Obesity Are The Main Metabolic Drivers Of Peripheral Neuropathy.”. Annals Of Clinical And Translational Neurology, pp. 397-405.
Allard, J. B., and C. Duan. “Igf-Binding Proteins: Why Do They Exist And Why Are There So Many?”. Frontiers In Endocrinology, p. 117.
Shropshire, D., et al. “One Prophage Wo Gene Rescues Cytoplasmic Incompatibility In .”. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America, pp. 4987-4991.
Liu, L., et al. “Quantitative Analysis Of Nad Synthesis-Breakdown Fluxes.”. Cell Metabolism, pp. 1067-1080.e5.
Nadkarni, G. N., et al. “Plasma Biomarkers Are Associated With Renal Outcomes In Individuals With Apol1 Risk Variants.”. Kidney International, pp. 1409-1416.
Reynolds, K., et al. “Mortality In Youth-Onset Type 1 And Type 2 Diabetes: The Search For Diabetes In Youth Study.”. Journal Of Diabetes And Its Complications, pp. 545-549.
Hodish, I. “Insulin Therapy For Type 2 Diabetes - Are We There Yet? The D-Nav® Story.”. Clinical Diabetes And Endocrinology, p. 8.
Scoville, E. A., et al. “Alterations In Lipid, Amino Acid, And Energy Metabolism Distinguish Crohn's Disease From Ulcerative Colitis And Control Subjects By Serum Metabolomic Profiling.”. Metabolomics : Official Journal Of The Metabolomic Society, p. 17.
Tang, X., et al. “The Pou/Oct Transcription Factor Nubbin Controls The Balance Of Intestinal Stem Cell Maintenance And Differentiation By Isoform-Specific Regulation.”. Stem Cell Reports, pp. 1565-1578.