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Center Publications

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Sarraju, A., and J. W. Knowles. “Genetic Testing And Risk Scores: Impact On Familial Hypercholesterolemia.”. Frontiers In Cardiovascular Medicine, p. 5.
Davis, F. M., and K. A. Gallagher. “Epigenetic Mechanisms In Monocytes/Macrophages Regulate Inflammation In Cardiometabolic And Vascular Disease.”. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, And Vascular Biology, pp. 623-634.
Norris, A. W., et al. “Survival In A Bad Neighborhood: Pancreatic Islets In Cystic Fibrosis.”. The Journal Of Endocrinology.
Brown, J. A., et al. “Distinct Subsets Of Lateral Hypothalamic Neurotensin Neurons Are Activated By Leptin Or Dehydration.”. Scientific Reports, p. 1873.
Hartigh, L. J. den. “Conjugated Linoleic Acid Effects On Cancer, Obesity, And Atherosclerosis: A Review Of Pre-Clinical And Human Trials With Current Perspectives.”. Nutrients.
Pataky, M. W., et al. “Skeletal Muscle Fiber Type-Selective Effects Of Acute Exercise On Insulin-Stimulated Glucose Uptake In Insulin-Resistant, High-Fat-Fed Rats.”. American Journal Of Physiology. Endocrinology And Metabolism, pp. E695-E706.
Rickert, E., et al. “Neuronal Sirt1 Regulates Metabolic And Reproductive Function And The Response To Caloric Restriction.”. Journal Of The Endocrine Society, pp. 427-445.
Erdmann, R. S., et al. “Labeling Strategies Matter For Super-Resolution Microscopy: A Comparison Between Halotags And Snap-Tags.”. Cell Chemical Biology, pp. 584-592.e6.
Nakamura, M., et al. “Glycogen Synthase Kinase-3Α Promotes Fatty Acid Uptake And Lipotoxic Cardiomyopathy.”. Cell Metabolism, pp. 1119-1134.e12.
Isoherranen, N., et al. “Emerging Role Of Organ-On-A-Chip Technologies In Quantitative Clinical Pharmacology Evaluation.”. Clinical And Translational Science, pp. 113-121.
Gorman, J. A., et al. “The -P1104A Autoimmune Protective Variant Limits Coordinate Signals Required To Generate Specialized T Cell Subsets.”. Frontiers In Immunology, p. 44.
Santoleri, D., and P. M. Titchenell. “Resolving The Paradox Of Hepatic Insulin Resistance.”. Cellular And Molecular Gastroenterology And Hepatology, pp. 447-456.