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Center Publications

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Martinez, G. Q., and S. E. Gordon. “Multimerization Of Homo Sapiens Trpa1 Ion Channel Cytoplasmic Domains.”. Plos One, p. e0207835.
Simeonov, D. R., et al. “A Large Crispr-Induced Bystander Mutation Causes Immune Dysregulation.”. Communications Biology, p. 70.
Wolfson, J. A., et al. “Barriers To Healthy Food Access: Associations With Household Income And Cooking Behavior.”. Preventive Medicine Reports, pp. 298-305.
Batiste, S. M., et al. “Unnatural Verticilide Enantiomer Inhibits Type 2 Ryanodine Receptor-Mediated Calcium Leak And Is Antiarrhythmic.”. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America, pp. 4810-4815.
Conteh, A. M., et al. “Platelet-Type 12-Lipoxygenase Deletion Provokes A Compensatory 12/15-Lipoxygenase Increase That Exacerbates Oxidative Stress In Mouse Islet Β Cells.”. The Journal Of Biological Chemistry, pp. 6612-6620.
Rogers, M. A. M., et al. “Private Insurance Coverage For Diabetes Before And After Enactment Of The Preexisting Condition Mandate Of The Affordable Care Act, 2005-2016.”. American Journal Of Public Health, pp. 562-564.
Lee, K. R., et al. “Fish Oil Derived Omega 3 Fatty Acids Suppress Adipose Nlrp3 Inflammasome Signaling In Human Obesity.”. Journal Of The Endocrine Society, pp. 504-515.
Doria, A. “Leveraging Genetics To Improve Cardiovascular Health In Diabetes: The 2018 Edwin Bierman Award Lecture.”. Diabetes, pp. 479-489.
Brown, F. M., et al. “Much To Hapo Fus About: Increasing Maternal Glycemia In Pregnancy Is Associated With Worsening Childhood Glucose Metabolism.”. Diabetes Care, pp. 393-395.
Boston Area
Hirsch, I. B., et al. “Connecting The Dots: Validation Of Time In Range Metrics With Microvascular Outcomes.”. Diabetes Care, pp. 345-348.
Lee, M. -J., et al. “Rosiglitazone Remodels The Lipid Droplet And Britens Human Visceral And Subcutaneous Adipocytes Ex Vivo.”. Journal Of Lipid Research, pp. 856-868.