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Flavones modulate respiratory epithelial innate immunity: Anti-inflammatory effects and activation of the T2R14 receptor.

Hariri, B. M., et al. “Flavones Modulate Respiratory Epithelial Innate Immunity: Anti-Inflammatory Effects And Activation Of The T2R14 Receptor.”. The Journal Of Biological Chemistry, pp. 8484-8497.
Center University of Pennsylvania
Author Benjamin M Hariri, Derek B McMahon, Bei Chen, Jenna R Freund, Corrine J Mansfield, Laurel J Doghramji, Nithin D Adappa, James N Palmer, David W Kennedy, Danielle R Reed, Peihua Jiang, Robert J Lee
Keywords airway surface liquid, antimicrobial peptide (AMP), bitter taste receptor, chronic rhinosinusitis, flavonoid, Innate immunity, mucociliary clearance, nitric oxide, polyphenol, protein kinase C (PKC)

Chronic rhinosinusitis has a significant impact on patient quality of life, creates billions of dollars of annual healthcare costs, and accounts for ∼20% of adult antibiotic prescriptions in the United States. Because of the rise of resistant microorganisms, there is a critical need to better understand how to stimulate and/or enhance innate immune responses as a therapeutic modality to treat respiratory infections. We recently identified bitter taste receptors (taste family type 2 receptors, or T2Rs) as important regulators of sinonasal immune responses and potentially important therapeutic targets. Here, we examined the immunomodulatory potential of flavones, a class of flavonoids previously demonstrated to have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. Some flavones are also T2R agonists. We found that several flavones inhibit Muc5AC and inducible NOS up-regulation as well as cytokine release in primary and cultured airway cells in response to several inflammatory stimuli. This occurs at least partly through inhibition of protein kinase C and receptor tyrosine kinase activity. We also demonstrate that sinonasal ciliated epithelial cells express T2R14, which closely co-localizes (<7 nm) with the T2R38 isoform. Heterologously expressed T2R14 responds to multiple flavones. These flavones also activate T2R14-driven calcium signals in primary cells that activate nitric oxide production to increase ciliary beating and mucociliary clearance. polymorphisms encode functional (PAV: roline, lanine, and aline at positions 49, 262, and 296, respectively) or non-functional (AVI: lanine, aline, soleucine at positions 49, 262, and 296, respectively) T2R38. Our data demonstrate that T2R14 in sinonasal cilia is a potential therapeutic target for upper respiratory infections and that flavones may have clinical potential as topical therapeutics, particularly in T2R38 AVI/AVI individuals.

Year of Publication
The Journal of biological chemistry
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Alternate Journal
J. Biol. Chem.
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