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Maternal hyperglycemia induces changes in DNA methylation in the developing heart

Center Vanderbilt University
Award Year 2017, 2018
Pilot Study Maternal hyperglycemia induces changes in DNA methylation in the developing heart
Awardee Rolanda Lister MD

I hypothesize that maternal hyperglycemia induces changes in DNA methylation in the developing heart thus increasing the risk of congenital heart defects due to abnormal mRNA expression of cardiac important genes. I have three specific aims to test this hypothesis. Aim 1: To analyze the cardiac phenotypes of embryos born to dams with hyperglycemia compared with pups of euglycemic pregnancies. Aim 2: To identify methylationsensitive DNA loci within developing fetal hearts that are more vulnerable to maternal hyperglycemia using a high-resolution genome-wide cytosine methylation profiling assay. Aim 3: To juxtapose differential mRNA expression in developing fetal hearts with changes in genome wide DNA methylation.
Research strategy:

Diabetes will be induced in standard 8 week old CD-1 WT female mice with a one time intraperitoneal injection of 150 mg/kg of streptozotocin (STZ). Histological analysis of fetal cardiac morphology will be performed on the hearts of the hyperglycemic and the euglycemic pupps at day E16.5. We will extract the hearts at different timepoints and use genome wide cytosine methylation profiling to delineate the difference between pupps of hyperglycemic mothers versus controls. We will then juxtapose differential mRNA expression. With this information, we can then in the future obtain gene candidates that may be the targets for intervention.
Expected Results:

We anticipate that maternal diabetes will alter DNA methylation of specific genes related to cardiac development. We believe that by sequencing the entire genome of the extracted DNA after creating our library following the modified HELP-tagging assay and sequence, we will identify candidate genes that are implicated in dysregulation of the methylation patterns that ultimately predispose these embryos to congenitally acquired cardiac lesions.