Research Core: Einstein Translational Research Core
Jill P Crandall MD
Research Core: Einstein Translational Research Core
Dr. Crandall is Director of the Diabetes Clinical Trials Unit and co-director of the DRTC Clinical Research Facilitation Core. She is an experienced clinical investigator with a joint appointments in the Divisions of Endocrinology and Geriatrics. Dr. Crandall is principal investigator for the Einstein sites of the Diabetes Prevention Program Outcomes Study (DPPOS) and the Epidemiology of Diabetes Interventions and Complications (EDIC) study. She is project leader for Heart Risk in Older Adults with Diabetes (HeartROADS), a component of the Program Project, the Metabolic Syndrome of Aging (N. Barzilai, PI). This study is evaluating the relationship between typical age-related changes in glucose metabolism (post-challenge hyperglycemia) and changes in cardiovascular risk markers, including endothelial function. As director of the Clinical Core for the Program Project, The Role of Genes in Exceptional Longevity (N. Barzilai, PI), she is responsible for recruitment, phenotyping and follow-up of a large cohort of elderly subjects with parental longevity. Dr. Crandall is also active in teaching and is the Course Director for the Endocrine Systems course for 2nd year medical students.