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Center Publications

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Sun, X., et al. “Neutralization Of Oxidized Phospholipids Ameliorates Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis.”. Cell Metabolism, pp. 189-206.e8.
Kaur, N., et al. “Longitudinal Association Of Biomarkers Of Pesticide Exposure With Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors In Youth With Diabetes.”. Environmental Research, p. 108916.
Bahorski, J. S., et al. “Modified Eating In The Absence Of Hunger Test Is Associated With Appetitive Traits In Infants.”. Eating Behaviors, p. 101342.
Zahm, A. M., et al. “A High-Content Screen Identifies Micrornas That Regulate Liver Repopulation After Injury In Mice.”. Gastroenterology, pp. 1044-1057.e17.
Capozzi, M. E., et al. “The Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor-Β/Δ Antagonist Gsk0660 Mitigates Retinal Cell Inflammation And Leukostasis.”. Experimental Eye Research, p. 107885.
Allegretti, P. A., et al. “Generation Of Highly Potent Dyrk1A-Dependent Inducers Of Human Β-Cell Replication Via Multi-Dimensional Compound Optimization.”. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, p. 115193.
Davis, C. L., et al. “Exercise Effects On Arterial Stiffness And Heart Health In Children With Excess Weight: The Smart Rct.”. International Journal Of Obesity (2005), pp. 1152-1163.
Battaglia, M., et al. “Introducing The Endotype Concept To Address The Challenge Of Disease Heterogeneity In Type 1 Diabetes.”. Diabetes Care, pp. 5-12.
Zamecnik, C. R., et al. “An Injectable Cytokine Trap For Local Treatment Of Autoimmune Disease.”. Biomaterials, p. 119626.
Shuster, D. L., et al. “Pharmacodynamics Of Metformin In Pregnant Women With Gestational Diabetes Mellitus And Nonpregnant Women With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.”. Journal Of Clinical Pharmacology, pp. 540-549.
Bonner-Weir, S. “The Islets Of Langerhans Continue To Reveal Their Secrets.”. Nature Reviews. Endocrinology, pp. 73-74.
Frohnert, B. I., et al. “Predictive Modeling Of Type 1 Diabetes Stages Using Disparate Data Sources.”. Diabetes, pp. 238-248.