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Center Publications

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Perez, R. E., et al. “Α-Adrenergic Heteroreceptors Are Required For Stress-Induced Reinstatement Of Cocaine Conditioned Place Preference.”. Neuropsychopharmacology : Official Publication Of The American College Of Neuropsychopharmacology, pp. 1473-1481.
Ellsworth, L., et al. “Impact Of Maternal Overweight And Obesity On Milk Composition And Infant Growth.”. Maternal & Child Nutrition, p. e12979.
denDekker, A. D., et al. “Tnf-Α Regulates Diabetic Macrophage Function Through The Histone Acetyltransferase Mof.”. Jci Insight.
Lal, R., and L. Leelarathna. “Insulin Pumps.”. Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics, pp. S17-S31.
Messer, L. H., and S. A. Weinzimer. “Practical Implementation Of Diabetes Technology: Real-World Use.”. Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics, pp. S119-S129.
Mosley, J. D., et al. “Predictive Accuracy Of A Polygenic Risk Score Compared With A Clinical Risk Score For Incident Coronary Heart Disease.”. Jama, pp. 627-635.
Lundgren, P., and C. A. Thaiss. “The Microbiome-Adipose Tissue Axis In Systemic Metabolism.”. American Journal Of Physiology. Gastrointestinal And Liver Physiology, pp. G717-G724.
Gutierrez-Arcelus, M., et al. “Allele-Specific Expression Changes Dynamically During T Cell Activation In Hla And Other Autoimmune Loci.”. Nature Genetics, pp. 247-253.
DuBose, S. N., et al. “Effect Of Exercise And Meals On Continuous Glucose Monitor Data In Healthy Individuals Without Diabetes.”. Journal Of Diabetes Science And Technology, p. 1932296820905904.
Rios-Arce, N. D., et al. “Post-Antibiotic Gut Dysbiosis-Induced Trabecular Bone Loss Is Dependent On Lymphocytes.”. Bone, p. 115269.
Saran, A. R., et al. “Circadian Rhythms In The Pathogenesis And Treatment Of Fatty Liver Disease.”. Gastroenterology, pp. 1948-1966.e1.
Sangwung, P., et al. “Mitochondrial Dysfunction, Insulin Resistance, And Potential Genetic Implications.”. Endocrinology.