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Center Publications

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Tabaei, B. P., et al. “Impact Of A Telephonic Intervention To Improve Diabetes Control On Health Care Utilization And Cost For Adults In South Bronx, New York.”. Diabetes Care, pp. 743-750.
Stec, D. E., et al. “Biliverdin Reductase A (Bvra) Knockout In Adipocytes Induces Hypertrophy And Reduces Mitochondria In White Fat Of Obese Mice.”. Biomolecules.
Pak, V., et al. “Ultrasensitive Genetically Encoded Indicator For Hydrogen Peroxide Identifies Roles For The Oxidant In Cell Migration And Mitochondrial Function.”. Cell Metabolism, pp. 642-653.e6.
Boston Area
Goss, A. M., et al. “Effects Of A Carbohydrate-Restricted Diet On Hepatic Lipid Content In Adolescents With Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: A Pilot, Randomized Trial.”. Pediatric Obesity, p. e12630.
Poothong, J., et al. “Factor Viii Exhibits Chaperone-Dependent And Glucose-Regulated Reversible Amyloid Formation In The Endoplasmic Reticulum.”. Blood, pp. 1899-1911.
Zhang, X., et al. “High-Protein Diets Increase Cardiovascular Risk By Activating Macrophage Mtor To Suppress Mitophagy.”. Nature Metabolism, pp. 110-125.
Tarabra, E., et al. “The Omentum Of Obese Girls Harbors Small Adipocytes And Browning Transcripts.”. Jci Insight.
Chen, Z., et al. “Ccl28-Induced Ccr10/Enos Interaction In Angiogenesis And Skin Wound Healing.”. Faseb Journal : Official Publication Of The Federation Of American Societies For Experimental Biology, pp. 5838-5850.
Huang, C., et al. “Extracellular Vesicle-Induced Classical Complement Activation Leads To Retinal Endothelial Cell Damage Via Mac Deposition.”. International Journal Of Molecular Sciences.
Kanter, J. E., et al. “Monocytes And Macrophages As Protagonists In Vascular Complications Of Diabetes.”. Frontiers In Cardiovascular Medicine, p. 10.
Chung, C. S., et al. “Compliant Titin Isoform Content Is Reduced In Left Ventricles Of Sedentary Versus Active Rats.”. Frontiers In Physiology, p. 15.
Zheng, J., et al. “Maternal And Paternal Exercise Regulate Offspring Metabolic Health And Beta Cell Phenotype.”. Bmj Open Diabetes Research & Care.