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Center Publications

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Reno, C. M., et al. “Brain Glut4 Knockout Mice Have Impaired Glucose Tolerance, Decreased Insulin Sensitivity, And Impaired Hypoglycemic Counterregulation.”. Diabetes, pp. 587-597.
Lubitz, S. A., et al. “Genetic Risk Prediction Of Atrial Fibrillation.”. Circulation, pp. 1311-1320.
Muzik, O., et al. “Sympathetic Innervation Of Cold-Activated Brown And White Fat In Lean Young Adults.”. Journal Of Nuclear Medicine : Official Publication, Society Of Nuclear Medicine, pp. 799-806.
Bonifacio, E., et al. “Rebranding Asymptomatic Type 1 Diabetes: The Case For Autoimmune Beta Cell Disorder As A Pathological And Diagnostic Entity.”. Diabetologia, pp. 35-38.
Wesolowski, S. R., et al. “Developmental Origins Of Nafld: A Womb With A Clue.”. Nature Reviews. Gastroenterology & Hepatology, pp. 81-96.
Lee, H. H., et al. “Contribution Of Organic Anion-Transporting Polypeptides 1A/1B To Doxorubicin Uptake And Clearance.”. Molecular Pharmacology, pp. 14-24.
Peek, C. B., et al. “Circadian Clock Interaction With Hif1Α Mediates Oxygenic Metabolism And Anaerobic Glycolysis In Skeletal Muscle.”. Cell Metabolism, pp. 86-92.
Mongraw-Chaffin, M., et al. “The Relationship Between Anthropometry And Body Composition From Computed Tomography: The Mediators Of Atherosclerosis In South Asians Living In America Study.”. Ethnicity & Health, pp. 565-574.
Dugan, C. E., et al. “Monitoring Cell Secretions On Microfluidic Chips Using Solid-Phase Extraction With Mass Spectrometry.”. Analytical And Bioanalytical Chemistry, pp. 169-178.
Cengiz, E., et al. “Clinical Outcomes In Youth Beyond The First Year Of Type 1 Diabetes: Results Of The Pediatric Diabetes Consortium (Pdc) Type 1 Diabetes New Onset (Neon) Study.”. Pediatric Diabetes, pp. 566-573.
McCue, D. L., et al. “Regulation Of Motivation For Food By Neuromedin U In The Paraventricular Nucleus And The Dorsal Raphe Nucleus.”. International Journal Of Obesity (2005), pp. 120-128.