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Center Publications

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Nutsch, V. L., et al. “Aging And Estradiol Effects On Gene Expression In The Medial Preoptic Area, Bed Nucleus Of The Stria Terminalis, And Posterodorsal Medial Amygdala Of Male Rats.”. Molecular And Cellular Endocrinology, pp. 153-164.
Ard, J. D., et al. “Effects Of Calorie Restriction In Obese Older Adults: The Crossroads Randomized Controlled Trial.”. The Journals Of Gerontology. Series A, Biological Sciences And Medical Sciences, pp. 73-80.
Patel, Y. R., et al. “Retinopathy Predicts Progression Of Fasting Plasma Glucose: An Early Diabetes Intervention Program (Edip) Analysis.”. Journal Of Diabetes And Its Complications, pp. 605-610.
Holter, M. M., et al. “Glucose Metabolism After Gastric Banding And Gastric Bypass In Individuals With Type 2 Diabetes: Weight Loss Effect.”. Diabetes Care, pp. 7-15.
Cefalu, W. T., et al. “Diabetes Care: "Taking It To The Limit One More Time".”. Diabetes Care, pp. 3-6.
Roeder, S. S., et al. “Activated Erk1/2 Increases Cd44 In Glomerular Parietal Epithelial Cells Leading To Matrix Expansion.”. Kidney International, pp. 896-913.
Yang, Y. -P., et al. “The Mammal-Specific Pdx1 Area Ii Enhancer Has Multiple Essential Functions In Early Endocrine Cell Specification And Postnatal Β-Cell Maturation.”. Development (Cambridge, England), pp. 248-257.
Lucey, B. P., et al. “Associations Between Β-Amyloid Kinetics And The Β-Amyloid Diurnal Pattern In The Central Nervous System.”. Jama Neurology, pp. 207-215.
Hong, S., et al. “Dissociation Of Muscle Insulin Sensitivity From Exercise Endurance In Mice By Hdac3 Depletion.”. Nature Medicine, pp. 223-234.
Midani, F. S., et al. “The Importance Of Accurately Correcting For The Natural Abundance Of Stable Isotopes.”. Analytical Biochemistry, pp. 27-43.
Mandelblat-Cerf, Y., et al. “Bidirectional Anticipation Of Future Osmotic Challenges By Vasopressin Neurons.”. Neuron, pp. 57-65.
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