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Center Publications

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Sinacore, D. R., et al. “Persistent Inflammation With Pedal Osteolysis 1Year After Charcot Neuropathic Osteoarthropathy.”. Journal Of Diabetes And Its Complications, pp. 1014-1020.
Ebrahimi, A., et al. “Evidence Of Stress In Β Cells Obtained With Laser Capture Microdissection From Pancreases Of Brain Dead Donors.”. Islets, pp. 19-29.
Hato, T., et al. “Two-Photon Intravital Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Of The Kidney Reveals Cell-Type Specific Metabolic Signatures.”. Journal Of The American Society Of Nephrology : Jasn, pp. 2420-2430.
Goldberg, E. L., et al. “Β-Hydroxybutyrate Deactivates Neutrophil Nlrp3 Inflammasome To Relieve Gout Flares.”. Cell Reports, pp. 2077-2087.
Manichaikul, A., et al. “Plasma Soluble Receptor For Advanced Glycation End Products In Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis.”. Annals Of The American Thoracic Society, pp. 628-635.
Pappalardo, Z., et al. “A Whole-Genome Rna Interference Screen Reveals A Role For In Insulin Transcription And The Unfolded Protein Response.”. Diabetes, pp. 1703-1712.
Altshuler-Keylin, S., and S. Kajimura. “Mitochondrial Homeostasis In Adipose Tissue Remodeling.”. Science Signaling.
Evans, T. D., et al. “Target Acquired: Selective Autophagy In Cardiometabolic Disease.”. Science Signaling.
Dabelea, D., et al. “Association Of Type 1 Diabetes Vs Type 2 Diabetes Diagnosed During Childhood And Adolescence With Complications During Teenage Years And Young Adulthood.”. Jama, pp. 825-835.
Hartigh, L. J. den, et al. “Metabolically Distinct Weight Loss By 10,12 Cla And Caloric Restriction Highlight The Importance Of Subcutaneous White Adipose Tissue For Glucose Homeostasis In Mice.”. Plos One, p. e0172912.
Reeds, D. N., et al. “Hiv Infection Does Not Prevent The Metabolic Benefits Of Diet-Induced Weight Loss In Women With Obesity.”. Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.), pp. 682-688.
Granneman, J. G., et al. “Lipid Droplet Biology And Evolution Illuminated By The Characterization Of A Novel Perilipin In Teleost Fish.”. Elife.