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Center Publications

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Ackermann, A. M., et al. “High-Fidelity Mouse Line Generated By Crispr-Cas9 Assisted Gene Targeting.”. Molecular Metabolism, pp. 236-244.
Liu, J. S. E., and M. Hebrok. “All Mixed Up: Defining Roles For Β-Cell Subtypes In Mature Islets.”. Genes & Development, pp. 228-240.
Muhammad, A. B., et al. “Menin And Prmt5 Suppress Glp1 Receptor Transcript And Pka-Mediated Phosphorylation Of Foxo1 And Creb.”. American Journal Of Physiology. Endocrinology And Metabolism, pp. E148-E166.
Shen, H., et al. “Thymic Nf-Κb-Inducing Kinase Regulates Cd4 T Cell-Elicited Liver Injury And Fibrosis In Mice.”. Journal Of Hepatology, pp. 100-109.
Carr, R. M., et al. “Intestinal Inflammation Does Not Predict Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Severity In Inflammatory Bowel Disease Patients.”. Digestive Diseases And Sciences, pp. 1354-1361.
Schillinger, D., et al. “The Next Frontier In Communication And The Eclippse Study: Bridging The Linguistic Divide In Secure Messaging.”. Journal Of Diabetes Research, p. 1348242.
Shankar, S. S., et al. “Metabolic Improvements Following Roux-En-Y Surgery Assessed By Solid Meal Test In Subjects With Short Duration Type 2 Diabetes.”. Bmc Obesity, p. 10.
Wattacheril, J., et al. “Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Phosphoproteomics: A Functional Piece Of The Precision Puzzle.”. Hepatology Research : The Official Journal Of The Japan Society Of Hepatology, pp. 1469-1483.
Civelek, M., et al. “Genetic Regulation Of Adipose Gene Expression And Cardio-Metabolic Traits.”. American Journal Of Human Genetics, pp. 428-443.
Shin, N., et al. “The Association Of Minor And Major Depression With Health Problem-Solving And Diabetes Self-Care Activities In A Clinic-Based Population Of Adults With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.”. Journal Of Diabetes And Its Complications, pp. 880-885.
Qi, Q., et al. “Genetics Of Type 2 Diabetes In U.s. Hispanic/Latino Individuals: Results From The Hispanic Community Health Study/Study Of Latinos (Hchs/Sol).”. Diabetes, pp. 1419-1425.