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Center Publications

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Willig, A. L., et al. “Monocyte Bioenergetic Function Is Associated With Body Composition In Virologically Suppressed Hiv-Infected Women.”. Redox Biology, pp. 648-656.
Steenstrup, T., et al. “Telomeres And The Natural Lifespan Limit In Humans.”. Aging, pp. 1130-1142.
Wild, P. S., et al. “Large-Scale Genome-Wide Analysis Identifies Genetic Variants Associated With Cardiac Structure And Function.”. The Journal Of Clinical Investigation, pp. 1798-1812.
Rushing, J., et al. “Cost Of Intervention Delivery In A Lifestyle Weight Loss Trial In Type 2 Diabetes: Results From The Look Ahead Clinical Trial.”. Obesity Science & Practice, pp. 15-24.
Bauer, A. M., et al. “Depressive Symptoms And Adherence To Cardiometabolic Therapies Across Phases Of Treatment Among Adults With Diabetes: The Diabetes Study Of Northern California (Distance).”. Patient Preference And Adherence, pp. 643-652.
Sorensen, C. J., et al. “Relationship Of Shoulder Activity And Skin Intrinsic Fluorescence With Low Level Shoulder Pain And Disability In People With Type 2 Diabetes.”. Journal Of Diabetes And Its Complications, pp. 983-987.
Suhl, E., et al. “Medical Nutrition Therapy For Post-Bariatric Hypoglycemia: Practical Insights.”. Surgery For Obesity And Related Diseases : Official Journal Of The American Society For Bariatric Surgery, pp. 888-896.
Fernández-Rhodes, L., et al. “Trans-Ethnic Fine-Mapping Of Genetic Loci For Body Mass Index In The Diverse Ancestral Populations Of The Population Architecture Using Genomics And Epidemiology (Page) Study Reveals Evidence For Multiple Signals At Established Loci.”. Human Genetics, pp. 771-800.
Kullgren, J. T., et al. “Forging New Paths In Diabetes Prevention (Findit): Study Protocol For A Randomized Controlled Trial.”. Trials, p. 167.
Sun, E. W., et al. “Mechanisms Controlling Glucose-Induced Glp-1 Secretion In Human Small Intestine.”. Diabetes, pp. 2144-2149.
Fenton, R. A., et al. “Renal Tubular Nhe3 Is Required In The Maintenance Of Water And Sodium Chloride Homeostasis.”. Kidney International, pp. 397-414.