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Center Publications

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Ikeda, K., et al. “Ucp1-Independent Signaling Involving Serca2B-Mediated Calcium Cycling Regulates Beige Fat Thermogenesis And Systemic Glucose Homeostasis.”. Nature Medicine, pp. 1454-1465.
Melchior, J. T., et al. “A Consensus Model Of Human Apolipoprotein A-I In Its Monomeric And Lipid-Free State.”. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology, pp. 1093-1099.
Mezuk, B., et al. “Stress, Self-Regulation, And Context: Evidence From The Health And Retirement Survey.”. Ssm - Population Health, pp. 455-463.
Doty, T., et al. “The Effects Of Disease-Related Symptoms On Daily Function In Wolfram Syndrome.”. Translational Science Of Rare Diseases, pp. 89-100.
Schwab, A. J., et al. “Decreased Sirtuin Deacetylase Activity In Lrrk2 G2019S Ipsc-Derived Dopaminergic Neurons.”. Stem Cell Reports, pp. 1839-1852.
Zamecnik, C. R., et al. “Injectable Polymeric Cytokine-Binding Nanowires Are Effective Tissue-Specific Immunomodulators.”. Acs Nano, pp. 11433-11440.
Rai, R., et al. “Downregulation Of The Apelinergic Axis Accelerates Aging, Whereas Its Systemic Restoration Improves The Mammalian Healthspan.”. Cell Reports, pp. 1471-1480.
Zillikens, C., et al. “Erratum: Large Meta-Analysis Of Genome-Wide Association Studies Identifies Five Loci For Lean Body Mass.”. Nature Communications, p. 1414.
Rogers, M. A. M., et al. “Fluctuations In The Incidence Of Type 1 Diabetes In The United States From 2001 To 2015: A Longitudinal Study.”. Bmc Medicine, p. 199.
Kinser, E. R., et al. “Nanopatterned Bulk Metallic Glass Biosensors.”. Acs Sensors, pp. 1779-1787.
Dent, J. R., et al. “Muscle-Specific Knockout Of General Control Of Amino Acid Synthesis 5 (Gcn5) Does Not Enhance Basal Or Endurance Exercise-Induced Mitochondrial Adaptation.”. Molecular Metabolism, pp. 1574-1584.
Martinez-Lopez, N., et al. “System-Wide Benefits Of Intermeal Fasting By Autophagy.”. Cell Metabolism, pp. 856-871.e5.