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Center Publications

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Luber, J. M., et al. “Aether: Leveraging Linear Programming For Optimal Cloud Computing In Genomics.”. Bioinformatics (Oxford, England), pp. 1565-1567.
Bhambhani, V., et al. “Predictors And Outcomes Of Heart Failure With Mid-Range Ejection Fraction.”. European Journal Of Heart Failure, pp. 651-659.
Ray, D., and M. Boehnke. “Methods For Meta-Analysis Of Multiple Traits Using Gwas Summary Statistics.”. Genetic Epidemiology, pp. 134-145.
Kim, H., et al. “Ectopic Serotonin Production In Β-Cell Specific Transgenic Mice.”. Biochemical And Biophysical Research Communications, pp. 1986-1991.
Keene, D. E., et al. “"That Wasn't Really A Place To Worry About Diabetes": Housing Access And Diabetes Self-Management Among Low-Income Adults.”. Social Science & Medicine (1982), pp. 71-77.
Battistone, M. A., et al. “Extracellular Adenosine Stimulates Vacuolar Atpase-Dependent Proton Secretion In Medullary Intercalated Cells.”. Journal Of The American Society Of Nephrology : Jasn, pp. 545-556.
Boston Area
Lakshmikanthan, S., et al. “Rap1B Promotes Vegf-Induced Endothelial Permeability And Is Required For Dynamic Regulation Of The Endothelial Barrier.”. Journal Of Cell Science.
Schlegel, C., et al. “Apical Membrane Alterations In Non-Intestinal Organs In Microvillus Inclusion Disease.”. Digestive Diseases And Sciences, pp. 356-365.
McGill, D. E., et al. “Depressive Symptoms At Critical Times In Youth With Type 1 Diabetes: Following Type 1 Diabetes Diagnosis And Insulin Pump Initiation.”. The Journal Of Adolescent Health : Official Publication Of The Society For Adolescent Medicine, pp. 219-225.
Galderisi, A., et al. “Pramlintide But Not Liraglutide Suppresses Meal-Stimulated Glucagon Responses In Type 1 Diabetes.”. The Journal Of Clinical Endocrinology And Metabolism, pp. 1088-1094.
Lanning, M. S., et al. “Hypoglycemia In Sulfonylurea-Treated Kcnj11-Neonatal Diabetes: Mild-Moderate Symptomatic Episodes Occur Infrequently But None Involving Unconsciousness Or Seizures.”. Pediatric Diabetes, pp. 393-397.