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Center Publications

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Russart, K. L. G., et al. “Elevated Aggressive Behavior In Male Mice With Thyroid-Specific Prkar1A And Global Epac1 Gene Deletion.”. Hormones And Behavior, pp. 121-129.
Sheng, X., et al. “Mechanism And Structure Of Γ-Resorcylate Decarboxylase.”. Biochemistry, pp. 3167-3175.
Sprouse, M. L., et al. “Cutting Edge: Low-Affinity Tcrs Support Regulatory T Cell Function In Autoimmunity.”. Journal Of Immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950), pp. 909-914.
Dulyaninova, N. G., et al. “S100A4 Regulates Macrophage Invasion By Distinct Myosin-Dependent And Myosin-Independent Mechanisms.”. Molecular Biology Of The Cell, pp. 632-642.
Schmidt, A. M. “Highlighting Diabetes Mellitus: The Epidemic Continues.”. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, And Vascular Biology, pp. e1-e8.
Howard, B., et al. “A Low-Fat Dietary Pattern And Diabetes: A Secondary Analysis From The Women's Health Initiative Dietary Modification Trial.”. Diabetes Care, pp. 680-687.
Haljas, K., et al. “Bivariate Genome-Wide Association Study Of Depressive Symptoms With Type 2 Diabetes And Quantitative Glycemic Traits.”. Psychosomatic Medicine, pp. 242-251.
Dhurandhar, E. J., et al. “Body Mass Index And Subjective Social Status: The Coronary Artery Risk Development In Young Adults Study.”. Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.), pp. 426-431.
An, D., et al. “Designing A Retrievable And Scalable Cell Encapsulation Device For Potential Treatment Of Type 1 Diabetes.”. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America, pp. E263-E272.
Jun, G., et al. “Evaluating The Contribution Of Rare Variants To Type 2 Diabetes And Related Traits Using Pedigrees.”. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America, pp. 379-384.