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Center Publications

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Bandi, S., et al. “Differentiation In Stem/Progenitor Cells Along Fetal Or Adult Hepatic Stages Requires Transcriptional Regulators Independently Of Oscillations In Microrna Expression.”. Experimental Cell Research, pp. 1-12.
Mulvaney, S. A., et al. “Mobile Momentary Assessment And Biobehavioral Feedback For Adolescents With Type 1 Diabetes: Feasibility And Engagement Patterns.”. Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics, pp. 465-474.
Powell, W. E., et al. “Loss Of Cxcr3 Expression On Memory B Cells In Individuals With Long-Standing Type 1 Diabetes.”. Diabetologia, pp. 1794-1803.
Guo, R., et al. “Cardiomyocyte-Specific Disruption Of Cathepsin K Protects Against Doxorubicin-Induced Cardiotoxicity.”. Cell Death & Disease, p. 692.
Boniakowski, A. E., et al. “Murine Macrophage Chemokine Receptor Ccr2 Plays A Crucial Role In Macrophage Recruitment And Regulated Inflammation In Wound Healing.”. European Journal Of Immunology, pp. 1445-1455.
Pollak, N. M., et al. “Krüppel-Like Factors: Crippling And Un-Crippling Metabolic Pathways.”. Jacc. Basic To Translational Science, pp. 132-156.
Nowak, C., et al. “Glucose Challenge Metabolomics Implicates Medium-Chain Acylcarnitines In Insulin Resistance.”. Scientific Reports, p. 8691.
Mul, J. D., et al. “Voluntary Wheel Running Promotes Resilience To Chronic Social Defeat Stress In Mice: A Role For Nucleus Accumbens Δfosb.”. Neuropsychopharmacology : Official Publication Of The American College Of Neuropsychopharmacology, pp. 1934-1942.
Que, X., et al. “Oxidized Phospholipids Are Proinflammatory And Proatherogenic In Hypercholesterolaemic Mice.”. Nature, pp. 301-306.
Wall, V. Z., et al. “Smooth Muscle Glucose Metabolism Promotes Monocyte Recruitment And Atherosclerosis In A Mouse Model Of Metabolic Syndrome.”. Jci Insight.
Kane, M., et al. “A Single Locus Controls Interferon Gamma-Independent Antiretroviral Neutralizing Antibody Responses.”. Journal Of Virology.
Sun, J., et al. “Critical Role For The Tsc1-Mtorc1 Pathway In Β-Cell Mass In Pdx1-Deficient Mice.”. The Journal Of Endocrinology, pp. 151-163.