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Center Publications

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Fuller, K. N. Z., et al. “A Single High-Fat Meal Alters Human Soluble Rage Profiles And Pbmc Rage Expression With No Effect Of Prior Aerobic Exercise.”. Physiological Reports, p. e13811.
Templin, A. T., et al. “Use Of The Pet Ligand Florbetapir For In Vivo Imaging Of Pancreatic Islet Amyloid Deposits In Hiapp Transgenic Mice.”. Diabetologia, pp. 2215-2224.
Kochmanski, J., et al. “Longitudinal Effects Of Developmental Bisphenol A, Variable Diet, And Physical Activity On Age-Related Methylation In Blood.”. Environmental Epigenetics, p. dvy017.
Wang, K., et al. “Alteration Of Hdl Protein Composition With Hemodialysis Initiation.”. Clinical Journal Of The American Society Of Nephrology : Cjasn, pp. 1225-1233.
Gross, J. G., et al. “Five-Year Outcomes Of Panretinal Photocoagulation Vs Intravitreous Ranibizumab For Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy: A Randomized Clinical Trial.”. Jama Ophthalmology, pp. 1138-1148.
Temple, K. A., et al. “Sex Differences In The Impact Of Obstructive Sleep Apnea On Glucose Metabolism.”. Frontiers In Endocrinology, p. 376.
Ward-Caviness, C. K., et al. “Dna Methylation Age Is Associated With An Altered Hemostatic Profile In A Multiethnic Meta-Analysis.”. Blood, pp. 1842-1850.
Yamada, S., et al. “Pit-2, A Type Iii Sodium-Dependent Phosphate Transporter, Protects Against Vascular Calcification In Mice With Chronic Kidney Disease Fed A High-Phosphate Diet.”. Kidney International, pp. 716-727.
Hall, H., et al. “Glucotypes Reveal New Patterns Of Glucose Dysregulation.”. Plos Biology, p. e2005143.
Novaira, H. J., et al. “Impairments In The Reproductive Axis Of Female Mice Lacking Estrogen Receptor Β In Gnrh Neurons.”. American Journal Of Physiology. Endocrinology And Metabolism, pp. E1019-E1033.
Madiraju, A. K., et al. “Metformin Inhibits Gluconeogenesis Via A Redox-Dependent Mechanism In Vivo.”. Nature Medicine, pp. 1384-1394.