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Center Publications

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Wander, P. L., et al. “Design And Validation Of A Novel Estimator Of Visceral Adipose Tissue Area And Comparison To Existing Adiposity Surrogates.”. Journal Of Diabetes And Its Complications, pp. 1062-1067.
Liu, L., et al. “Epac1 Protects The Retina Against Ischemia/Reperfusion-Induced Neuronal And Vascular Damage.”. Plos One, p. e0204346.
Vecchio, F., et al. “Abnormal Neutrophil Signature In The Blood And Pancreas Of Presymptomatic And Symptomatic Type 1 Diabetes.”. Jci Insight.
Dunham-Snary, K. J., et al. “Mitochondrial - Nuclear Genetic Interaction Modulates Whole Body Metabolism, Adiposity And Gene Expression In Vivo.”. Ebiomedicine, pp. 316-328.
Oliva, C. R., et al. “Igfbp6 Controls The Expansion Of Chemoresistant Glioblastoma Through Paracrine Igf2/Igf-1R Signaling.”. Cell Communication And Signaling : Ccs, p. 61.
Liu, M., et al. “Biosynthesis, Structure, And Folding Of The Insulin Precursor Protein.”. Diabetes, Obesity & Metabolism, pp. 28-50.
Hamada, T., et al. “ In Colorectal Cancer Relates To Immune Response Differentially By Tumor Microsatellite Instability Status.”. Cancer Immunology Research, pp. 1327-1336.
Rubio, Y. L. B., et al. “Whole-Genome Multi-Omic Study Of Survival In Patients With Glioblastoma Multiforme.”. G3 (Bethesda, Md.), pp. 3627-3636.
Gupta, R., et al. “Complement 1Q-Like-3 Protein Inhibits Insulin Secretion From Pancreatic Β-Cells Via The Cell Adhesion G Protein-Coupled Receptor Bai3.”. The Journal Of Biological Chemistry, pp. 18086-18098.
Emfinger, C. H., et al. “Contribution Of Systemic Inflammation To Permanence Of K-Induced Neonatal Diabetes In Mice.”. American Journal Of Physiology. Endocrinology And Metabolism, pp. E1121-E1132.
True, C., et al. “Maternal High-Fat Diet Effects On Adaptations To Metabolic Challenges In Male And Female Juvenile Nonhuman Primates.”. Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.), pp. 1430-1438.
Hattersley, A. T., et al. “Ispad Clinical Practice Consensus Guidelines 2018: The Diagnosis And Management Of Monogenic Diabetes In Children And Adolescents.”. Pediatric Diabetes, pp. 47-63.