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Center Publications

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Liu, L., et al. “Pka Regulates Hmgb1 Through Activation Of Igfbp-3 And Sirt1 In Human Retinal Endothelial Cells Cultured In High Glucose.”. Inflammation Research : Official Journal Of The European Histamine Research Society .. [Et Al.], pp. 1013-1019.
Wang, X., et al. “Nitric Oxide-Releasing Semi-Crystalline Thermoplastic Polymers: Preparation, Characterization And Application To Devise Anti-Inflammatory And Bactericidal Implants.”. Biomaterials Science, pp. 3189-3201.
McEwen, L. N., et al. “Recording Of Diabetes On Death Certificates Of Decedents With Type 1 Diabetes In Dcct/Edic.”. Diabetes Care, pp. e158-e160.
Jadoon, A., et al. “Gut Microbial Product Predicts Cardiovascular Risk In Chronic Kidney Disease Patients.”. American Journal Of Nephrology, pp. 269-277.
Ganda, O. “Beyond Statins: Who And When To Prescribe?”. Current Diabetes Reports, p. 126.
Klose, A. D., and N. Paragas. “Automated Quantification Of Bioluminescence Images.”. Nature Communications, p. 4262.
Quehenberger, O., et al. “Quantitative Determination Of Esterified Eicosanoids And Related Oxygenated Metabolites After Base Hydrolysis.”. Journal Of Lipid Research, pp. 2436-2445.
Burghardt, K. J., et al. “Atypical Antipsychotics And The Human Skeletal Muscle Lipidome.”. Metabolites.
Zhang, S., et al. “Abrogation Of Gh Action In Kupffer Cells Results In Increased Hepatic Cd36 Expression And Exaggerated Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease.”. Growth Hormone & Igf Research : Official Journal Of The Growth Hormone Research Society And The International Igf Research Society, pp. 74-79.
Ramesh, R. N., et al. “Intermingled Ensembles In Visual Association Cortex Encode Stimulus Identity Or Predicted Outcome.”. Neuron, pp. 900-915.e9.
Bonnemaijer, P. W. M., et al. “Genome-Wide Association Study Of Primary Open-Angle Glaucoma In Continental And Admixed African Populations.”. Human Genetics, pp. 847-862.
Gupta, M. K., et al. “Insulin Receptor-Mediated Signaling Regulates Pluripotency Markers And Lineage Differentiation.”. Molecular Metabolism, pp. 153-163.