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Center Publications

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Ding, X. S., et al. “High Admission Glucose Levels Predict Worse Short-Term Clinical Outcome In Non-Diabetic Patients With Acute Myocardial Infraction: A Retrospective Observational Study.”. Bmc Cardiovascular Disorders, p. 163.
Bethin, K. E., et al. “Autism Spectrum Disorder In Children With Type 1 Diabetes.”. Diabetic Medicine : A Journal Of The British Diabetic Association, pp. 1282-1286.
Wagner, J. A., et al. “Glucose Management For Rewards: A Randomized Trial To Improve Glucose Monitoring And Associated Self-Management Behaviors In Adolescents With Type 1 Diabetes.”. Pediatric Diabetes, pp. 997-1006.
Sengupta, D., et al. “Proteasomal Degradation Within Endocytic Organelles Mediates Antigen Cross-Presentation.”. The Embo Journal, p. e99266.
Nathan, D. M., et al. “Does Diabetes Prevention Translate Into Reduced Long-Term Vascular Complications Of Diabetes?”. Diabetologia, pp. 1319-1328.
Yokomizo, H., et al. “Retinol Binding Protein 3 Is Increased In The Retina Of Patients With Diabetes Resistant To Diabetic Retinopathy.”. Science Translational Medicine.
Bornfeldt, K. E. “Growing Evidence For A Role For Acyl-Coa Synthetase 1 In Immunometabolism.”. Journal Of Leukocyte Biology, pp. 787-790.
Yu, M. G., et al. “Residual Β Cell Function And Monogenic Variants In Long-Duration Type 1 Diabetes Patients.”. The Journal Of Clinical Investigation, pp. 3252-3263.
Lundh, M., et al. “Afadin Is A Scaffold Protein Repressing Insulin Action Via Hdac6 In Adipose Tissue.”. Embo Reports, p. e48216.
Ruiz, D., et al. “Developmental Exposure To The Endocrine Disruptor Tolylfluanid Induces Sex-Specific Later-Life Metabolic Dysfunction.”. Reproductive Toxicology (Elmsford, N.y.), pp. 74-82.
Barr, M. M., et al. “Glycemic Control And Lipid Outcomes In Children And Adolescents With Type 2 Diabetes.”. Plos One, p. e0219144.
Leon, M. A., et al. “Soluble Antigen Arrays Displaying Mimotopes Direct The Response Of Diabetogenic T Cells.”. Acs Chemical Biology, pp. 1436-1448.