The Chd4 Helicase Regulates Chromatin Accessibility and Gene Expression Critical for β-Cell Function In Vivo.
Citation | Davidson, Rebecca K, et al. “The Chd4 Helicase Regulates Chromatin Accessibility and Gene Expression Critical for β-Cell Function In Vivo”. 2023. Diabetes, vol. 72, no. 6, 2023, pp. 746–757. |
Center | Indiana University |
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Author | Rebecca K Davidson, Sukrati Kanojia, Wenting Wu, Tatsuyoshi Kono, Jerry Xu, Meredith Osmulski, Robert N Bone, Nolan Casey, Carmella Evans-Molina, Emily K Sims, Jason M Spaeth |
Abstract |
UNLABELLED: The transcriptional activity of Pdx1 is modulated by a diverse array of coregulatory factors that govern chromatin accessibility, histone modifications, and nucleosome distribution. We previously identified the Chd4 subunit of the nucleosome remodeling and deacetylase complex as a Pdx1-interacting factor. To identify how loss of Chd4 impacts glucose homeostasis and gene expression programs in β-cells in vivo, we generated an inducible β-cell-specific Chd4 knockout mouse model. Removal of Chd4 from mature islet β-cells rendered mutant animals glucose intolerant, in part due to defects in insulin secretion. We observed an increased ratio of immature-to-mature insulin granules in Chd4-deficient β-cells that correlated with elevated levels of proinsulin both within isolated islets and from plasma following glucose stimulation in vivo. RNA sequencing and assay for transposase-accessible chromatin with sequencing showed that lineage-labeled Chd4-deficient β-cells have alterations in chromatin accessibility and altered expression of genes critical for β-cell function, including MafA, Slc2a2, Chga, and Chgb. Knockdown of CHD4 from a human β-cell line revealed similar defects in insulin secretion and alterations in several β-cell-enriched gene targets. These results illustrate how critical Chd4 activities are in controlling genes essential for maintaining β-cell function. ARTICLE HIGHLIGHTS: Pdx1-Chd4 interactions were previously shown to be compromised in β-cells from human donors with type 2 diabetes. β-Cell-specific removal of Chd4 impairs insulin secretion and leads to glucose intolerance in mice. Expression of key β-cell functional genes and chromatin accessibility are compromised in Chd4-deficient β-cells. Chromatin remodeling activities enacted by Chd4 are essential for β-cell function under normal physiological conditions. |
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