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Cellular cytokine receptor signaling and ATM pathway intersections affect hepatic DNA repair.

Gupta, P., et al. “Cellular Cytokine Receptor Signaling And Atm Pathway Intersections Affect Hepatic Dna Repair.”. Cytokine, p. 154946.
Center Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Author Priya Gupta, Yogeshwar Sharma, Preeti Viswanathan, Sanjeev Gupta
Keywords ATM, DNA damage response, JAK/STAT, Receptor signaling, Ruxolitinib

Pathways involving ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM) gene and its downstream partners and effectors are critical for the DNA damage response. Cell survival, proliferation and tissue homeostasis are dependent upon preservation of DNA integrity but additional intracellular mechanisms contribute in these processes. As receptor-mediated signaling with beneficial intersections in ATM pathways could have therapeutic significance, we interrogated such intersections with assays using HuH-7 cells (hepatocytes). These cells were subjected to acetaminophen toxicity, which is a leading cause of hepatic injury and acute liver failure in people. The ATM pathway was examined in HuH-7-ATM-Prom-tdT cells containing fluorescent td-Tomato transgene reporter for ATM promoter activity. Titrated doses of specific growth factors were used as ligands for receptor-mediated signaling. The contribution of JAK/STAT3 signaling was defined by the loss-of-function approach with the JAK antagonist, ruxolitinib. In these assays, impairment in ATM-related DNA damage response following acetaminophen toxicity was ameliorated by selected growth factors, including fibroblast growth factors, granulocyte colony stimulating factor and vascular endothelial growth factor. The JAK/STAT3 signaling was exclusive to granulocyte colony stimulating factor but concerned additional pathways in cases of other growth factors. Antagonism of JAK/STAT3 by ruxolitinib abrogated benefits in ATM pathway-mediated DNA repair; and identification of the ruxolitinib-sensitive component of cytoprotection allowed separations of these pathway intersections. Therefore, this subtractive approach for ATM and other regulators in pathways will be informative for DNA damage response. These mechanisms will benefit therapeutic development for ATM-related tissue and organ injuries.

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