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The Linearized Disposition Index Augments Understanding of Treatment Effects in Diabetes.

Kile, Amanda J, et al. “The Linearized Disposition Index Augments Understanding of Treatment Effects in Diabetes”. 2020. American Journal of Physiology. Endocrinology and Metabolism, 2020.
Center Indiana University
Author Amanda J Kile, Clarissa Hanna, Tamara S Hannon, Marian Sue Kirkman, Robert Considine V, Yash Patel, Kieren James Mather
Keywords disposition index, insulin secretion, insulin sensitivity, linearized, slope

The Disposition Index, calculated by multiplying measures of insulin secretion and insulin sensitivity, is widely applied as a sensitivity-adjusted measure of insulin secretion. We have recently shown that linearizing the underlying relationship uniquely permits identification of terms relating to maximal insulin secretion capacity and the secretion-coupling relationship, with both terms separately contributing to differences in the secretion-sensitivity relationship across gradations of glycemia. Here we demonstrate the application of this linearized equation to the evaluation of treatment-induced changes in the insulin secretion-sensitivity relationship. We applied a combination of repeated measures multivariable linear regression (evaluating treatment-induced changes in the joint relationship of insulin sensitivity and secretion) plus mixed model repeated measures (evaluating treatment effects on maximal secretion capacity and on the secretion-sensitivity coupling slope), and compared against a usual application of the disposition index calculated from the same measurements. This novel approach allows a more informative description of treatment-induced changes compared to the usual disposition index, including isolating the source of change within the mutually adjusted relationship, and identifying treatment-induced changes in the secretion-sensitivity coupling slope and in maximal insulin secretion. Application of this linearized approach provides an expanded understanding of treatment-induced changes in the insulin sensitivity-secretion relationship.

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American journal of physiology. Endocrinology and metabolism
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Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab
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