Functional communication between PKC-targeted cardiac troponin I phosphorylation sites.
Citation | Lang, Sarah E, et al. “Functional Communication Between PKC-Targeted Cardiac Troponin I Phosphorylation Sites”. 2017. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, vol. 627, 2017, pp. 1–9. |
Center | University of Michigan |
Author | Sarah E Lang, Tamara K Stevenson, Tabea M Schatz, Brandon J Biesiadecki, Margaret Westfall V |
Keywords | Cardiac myocyte, Contractile function, Myofilament, phosphorylation, Troponin I |
Abstract |
Increased protein kinase C (PKC) activity is associated with heart failure, and can target multiple cardiac troponin I (cTnI) residues in myocytes, including S23/24, S43/45 and T144. In earlier studies, cTnI-S43D and/or -S45D augmented S23/24 and T144 phosphorylation, which suggested there is communication between clusters. This communication is now explored by evaluating the impact of phospho-mimetic cTnI S43/45D combined with S23/24D (cTnIS4D) or T144D (cTnISDTD). Gene transfer of epitope-tagged cTnIS4D and cTnISDTD into adult cardiac myocytes progressively replaced endogenous cTnI. Partial replacement with cTnISDTD or cTnIS4D accelerated the time to peak (TTP) shortening and time to 50% re-lengthening (TTR) on day 2, but peak shortening was only diminished by cTnIS4D. Extensive cTnIS4D replacement continued to accelerate TTP, and decrease shortening amplitude, while TTR returned to baseline levels on day 4. In contrast, cTnISDTD modestly reduced shortening amplitude and continued to accelerate myocyte TTP and TTR. These results indicate cTnIS43/45 communicates with S23/24 and T144, with S23/24 exacerbating and T144 attenuating the S43/45D-dependent functional deficit. In addition, more severe functional alterations in cTnIS4D myocytes were accompanied by higher levels of secondary phosphorylation compared to cTnISDTD. These results suggest that secondary phosphorylation helps to maintain steady-state contractile function during chronic cTnI phosphorylation at PKC sites. |
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Archives of biochemistry and biophysics
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Alternate Journal |
Arch. Biochem. Biophys.
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