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Streamlined Single Cell TCR Isolation and Generation of Retroviral Vectors for In Vitro and In Vivo Expression of Human TCRs.

Sprouse, M. L., et al. “Streamlined Single Cell Tcr Isolation And Generation Of Retroviral Vectors For In Vitro And In Vivo Expression Of Human Tcrs.”. Journal Of Visualized Experiments : Jove.
Author Maran L Sprouse, Gabriele Blahnik, Thomas Lee, Natalie Tully, Pinaki Benarjee, Eddie A James, Maria J Redondo, Matthew L Bettini, Maria Bettini

Although, several methods for sequencing of paired T cell receptor (TCR) alpha and beta chains from single T cells have been developed, none so far have been conducive to downstream in vivo functional analysis of TCR heterodimers. We have developed an improved protocol based on a two-step multiplex-nested PCR, which results in a PCR product that spans entire variable regions of a human TCR alpha and beta chains. By identifying unique restriction sites and incorporating them into the PCR primers, we have made the PCR product compatible with direct sub-cloning into the template retroviral vector. The resulting retroviral construct encodes a chimeric human/mouse TCR with a mouse intracellular domain, which is functional in mouse cells or in in vivo mouse models. Overall, the protocol described here combines human single cell paired TCR alpha and beta chain identification with streamlined generation of retroviral vectors readily adaptable for in vitro and in vivo TCR expression. The video and the accompanying material are designed to give a highly detailed description of the single cell PCR, so that the critical steps can be followed and potential pitfalls avoided. Additionally, we provide a detailed description of the cloning steps necessary to generate the expression vector. Once mastered, the whole procedure from single cell sorting to TCR expression could be performed in a short two-week period.

Year of Publication
Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE
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Alternate Journal
J Vis Exp
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