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Harmonizing lipidomics: NIST interlaboratory comparison exercise for lipidomics using SRM 1950-Metabolites in Frozen Human Plasma.

Bowden, J. A., et al. “Harmonizing Lipidomics: Nist Interlaboratory Comparison Exercise For Lipidomics Using Srm 1950-Metabolites In Frozen Human Plasma.”. Journal Of Lipid Research, pp. 2275-2288.
Center Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Author John A Bowden, Alan Heckert, Candice Z Ulmer, Christina M Jones, Jeremy P Koelmel, Laila Abdullah, Linda Ahonen, Yazen Alnouti, Aaron M Armando, John M Asara, Takeshi Bamba, John R Barr, Jonas Bergquist, Christoph H Borchers, Joost Brandsma, Susanne B Breitkopf, Tomas Cajka, Amaury Cazenave-Gassiot, Antonio Checa, Michelle A Cinel, Romain A Colas, Serge Cremers, Edward A Dennis, James E Evans, Alexander Fauland, Oliver Fiehn, Michael S Gardner, Timothy J Garrett, Katherine H Gotlinger, Jun Han, Yingying Huang, Aveline Huipeng Neo, Tuulia Hyötyläinen, Yoshihiro Izumi, Hongfeng Jiang, Houli Jiang, Jiang Jiang, Maureen Kachman, Reiko Kiyonami, Kristaps Klavins, Christian Klose, Harald C Köfeler, Johan Kolmert, Therese Koal, Grielof Koster, Zsuzsanna Kuklenyik, Irwin J Kurland, Michael Leadley, Karen Lin, Krishna Rao Maddipati, Danielle McDougall, Peter J Meikle, Natalie A Mellett, Cian Monnin, Arthur Moseley, Renu Nandakumar, Matej Oresic, Rainey Patterson, David Peake, Jason S Pierce, Martin Post, Anthony D Postle, Rebecca Pugh, Yunping Qiu, Oswald Quehenberger, Parsram Ramrup, Jon Rees, Barbara Rembiesa, Denis Reynaud, Mary R Roth, Susanne Sales, Kai Schuhmann, Michal Laniado Schwartzman, Charles N Serhan, Andrej Shevchenko, Stephen E Somerville, Lisa St John-Williams, Michal A Surma, Hiroaki Takeda, Rhishikesh Thakare, Will Thompson, Federico Torta, Alexander Triebl, Martin Trötzmüller, S J Kumari Ubhayasekera, Dajana Vuckovic, Jacquelyn M Weir, Ruth Welti, Markus R Wenk, Craig E Wheelock, Libin Yao, Min Yuan, Xueqing Heather Zhao, Senlin Zhou
Keywords National Institute of Standards and Technology, Standard Reference Material 1950, fatty acyls, glycerolipids, lipids, phospholipids, quality control, quantitation, Sphingolipids, sterols

As the lipidomics field continues to advance, self-evaluation within the community is critical. Here, we performed an interlaboratory comparison exercise for lipidomics using Standard Reference Material (SRM) 1950-Metabolites in Frozen Human Plasma, a commercially available reference material. The interlaboratory study comprised 31 diverse laboratories, with each laboratory using a different lipidomics workflow. A total of 1,527 unique lipids were measured across all laboratories and consensus location estimates and associated uncertainties were determined for 339 of these lipids measured at the sum composition level by five or more participating laboratories. These evaluated lipids detected in SRM 1950 serve as community-wide benchmarks for intra- and interlaboratory quality control and method validation. These analyses were performed using nonstandardized laboratory-independent workflows. The consensus locations were also compared with a previous examination of SRM 1950 by the LIPID MAPS consortium. While the central theme of the interlaboratory study was to provide values to help harmonize lipids, lipid mediators, and precursor measurements across the community, it was also initiated to stimulate a discussion regarding areas in need of improvement.

Year of Publication
Journal of lipid research
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Alternate Journal
J. Lipid Res.
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